Oregon Coastline In B&W


Third time's the charm! Started trying to work up a post a couple times earlier today and it went completely nowhere. Ever get in a mood where you're not satisfied with your work and can't make any progress? Had to go do something else for a bit, did the trick nicely.


@zo3d had mentioned possibly exploring one of the coasts here in the US and that got me to thinking about my time on the 101 on the west coast here. The 101 runs from Tumwater, Washington up and around the Olympic peninsula before heading south along the coast to LA in California.


I never made it down into California so I can't speak for it but what I traveled of the 101 in Oregon was one of my favorite parts of a 10,000 mile road trip. In Washington highway sometimes strayed from the coast but in Oregon it was right on it for the most part.


I spent about two weeks wandering the 101 and could easily go back and spend that many more again and not get everything in. There's so many things to shoot and see and explore that I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.


So what's your favorite bit of coastline to play on?

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