I Swear To Drunk Occifer, I'm Not God

"Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors... and miss." --- Robert Heinlein

Alcohol and law enforcement sure don't mix but for some reason one seems to follow the other all too often. I was reading @dandays' post about something that never really happened and it reminded me of way too many times that's been the case for me.


One thing led to another and somehow I found myself editing photos of law enforcement from the protests here, and now I've gotta share a few that I found a bit interesting. I can't decide if this first photo is of a cop pretending to be a ninja turtle or if it's one of those teenage mutants pretending to be a cop.


Hey look! It's Officer Goonie! Who the hell thought it was a good idea to give him an AR-15? At least his finger isn't on the trigger... Around here, flipping the cops the bird counts as disorderly conduct, I don't even want to think about how much discretion they have in using ARs.


Is it just me or is the cop on the left in the photo above Mark Zuckerberg in LMPD uniform? I swear I know that sneer from elsewhere...


Somebody get that officer a cot! He looks ready for a nap more so than a riot. Maybe he's had a bit too much to drink already too...

So who else on the hive has given up alcohol on account of less than pleasurable experiences with law enforcement?

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