The Man and the Mountain

This is my entry for #monomad challenge by @monochromes

This is one of my favorite black&white pics, taken near the summit of Grand Tête de By (Valpelline, Alps between Italy/Swisse).
In the summer afternoon the sky is plenty of clouds passing through glaciers and rocks, and I like the smallness of the silhouette of these two friends climbing summital ridge, disappearing in the fog, in this majestic and sacred environment.
My fellow, linked to me with the rope, hurried me, so I have taken only this pic, and I started to follow again the path.

I want to repeat the words of Ettore Zapparoli, a great poet and alpinist:
«Poco su di qui è l'orlo stellare/ delle rocce dove ci si sente semiastri,/ le pupille arse vi colgono visioni che poi,/ scendendo, sembrano trafugate/ al sogno: abito un astro, dice uno lassù»
«Just above here is the stellar edge / of the rocks where one feels semi-stars, / the parched pupils capture visions that then, / descending, seem stolen / to the dream: I live in a star, says one up there»


Here the rocky ridge behind me:



Pictures taken with an old analogic Yashica FX-3, on Ilford HP5 film.
July 2001.

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