Wild Gator

Hi fellow Outdoorsmen,

Today I'm back with some fun stuff we saw when we were house hunting!


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Wild Gator

One of the things that we will get used to for sure, but hopefully not become lax in our attention of it, is the dangers of wildlife in the warmer climates!

When we were out doing our house hunting we had a bit of a break and our son was feeling a bit cooped up in the car while we were driving around for a few hours so we decided to get out and stretch our legs. We saw a river or canal or whatever it was nearby so we decided to go check it out. Thankfully we got a fun experience right off the bat!


They say that fishing in the warmer areas of the United States is incredible. We certainly could tell that! There were plenty of fish floating around, curious as to what we were doing there and if we had anything for food that they would like. We didn't of course but we don't usually see this type of behavior where we live up in the colder temps in the Northeast.

We also got to see our first alligator! It was a juvenile for sure but it was pretty cool to see. It was very curious about us and what we were doing in it's area but we kept our distance and it was respectful and afraid of us which was good.


We didn't know what to expect when we were standing around by the river but seeing our first gator was pretty damn cool! I know there are thousands of these things up and down the waterways and we will certainly be seeing more of them in the coming months, hopefully not on the end of our fishing line lol


Our son was ecstatic he got to see his first wild gator! Lol

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