First Pickerel 2022

Hi fellow Outdoorsmen,

Today I wanted to laugh on catching the first pickerel of the year!


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First Pickerel 2022

Last year we had a lot of fun fishing at the lake, catching the various fish that were on offer there such as largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, white perch, black bass / crappie, and even a catfish! One of the fish that took us really long to catch for some reason was a pickerel.


Not this year! Lol. One of the first decent sized fish we ended up catching recently was a nice old pickerel! It was also my first time in a really long time catching anything on this nice topwater lure I've got here. It's a cool looking bass or something but it's got a propeller on the end and makes a lot of noise. It's quite the fun lure to have out there and if the fish are going for topwater stuff, they really make a fun show of it!


With pickerel, you have to be careful because they tend to be incredibly slimy and their teeth are sharp as shit! You never want to try and grab it by the lip the way you would do for a bass. You'll certainly shred your finger trying and that's not fun. Thankfully this guy here was not really happy being on the hook and was flip flopping all over the place trying to get off. Sure enough he popped himself off and swam away. Makes for less work for me cleaning up my glove!

Funny how we were waiting so long to catch a pickerel last year only to have it be one of the very first fish we catch this year.

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