First Bass 2022

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to celebrate the official start to the bass fishing season! Lol

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First Bass

If there's one thing that my son loves it's fishing! With the winter over and spring nearly behind us, one thing that's for sure is that our son loves to get out there and go fishing. He's been itching to get out and do some casting and kick off the rust from the wintertime break. We were thankfully able to get out and do a little bit recently!

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Funny part was is that we forgot our actual fishing poles! We were using this one that was at least a decade or two old. It was in decent shape, just needs some new line on it and a bit of grease and it'll be good as new, just looking a little worse for weary.

We weren't doing any serious fishing, just tossing it around and having fun. To our surprise, boom! We got a fish on the line. It fought well enough and when it got closer we realized what it was! A bass!

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When my son realized that the thing was a bass he was hollering and jumping around it was hilarious lol I guess he missed fishing a little more then I realized! Hopefully this will be the start to a good season up here, for as long as that season can last at least.

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