Feel The Berm

Hi fellow Outdoorsmen,

Today I'm back with some fun that I ended up having with the little man while we were out sledding!


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Feel The Berm

I've always been on the lookout for different things that I can do with the little man. One of the things I like to do is show him different things and how it could happen. When we had a good snowstorm recently, we obviously took a lot of time to go out and enjoy the snow! He was using his sled at one of the places we were sledding when I had the idea to build something so that I didn't have to always catch him before he flew into the trees and hurt himself.

In comes the berm!


If you aren't familiar with what a berm is, it's basically a large curved structure to prevent someone from flying over it that's doing some type of outdoor activity. In this case, the berm was built and designed to keep him from launching or going straight into the bushes! The tricky part about it is building it so that it's got enough height to reduce the speed of the person as they come down but also not launch them over it, and keep them from getting hurt. It sounds complicated but it's just a giant half-shell type thing when it comes down to it lol


I built it from the ground up and made sure to reinforce the back while I was building the front. All of this was happening while the little man was going up and flying back down the hill, it was hard at first because he destroyed a good portion of it a few times lol he was having fun though and using up all his energy! Huge win there that's for sure lol.

I included a glove of mine for scale! It was about waist high for me at the end of it all which was good because it had a nice section on either side to guide him to the middle and then the middle curved upwards so that he would go up and just plop back down.


I'm happy with how the berm came out! I hope @herbertholmes2 would be proud, he's the snow obstacle building master lol Not bad for my first time building this!

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