Vlog - How to cut open a Durian

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Hi hi.. everyone.. @luueetang here, this is my latest YouTube video on my channel. It is a guide on how Durians are cut open. It is currently the Durian season. Well, there might be many videos on how stinky this fruit is, but there are many different types of Durian.

The local Durians in Malaysia some of them, do not have the pungent stinky smell that some Durians have. The fruit is creamy like eating mozzarella. The knife that is used for prying open the fruit is specially designed and shorter than normal blades that you would find in the kitchen for cutting vegetables.

The most important thing is to find a small gap and use the tip of the knife to push through and treat this knife as a crowbar. Do like the video and subscribe to my channel. Thank you very much.


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