If there was a court of love , who would be in jail most ? Are they men or women?


A word that inspires musicians, directors, writers, poets, and other artists is "love." Love stories will not be ended with pens and cameras. Love makes many people happy, but it also makes some of them sad.
Falling in love makes everything beautiful, but behind the love story there will be tears and sadness. Have you ever fallen in love? What did you feel?
If there is love, there will be hate, jealousy, happiness, sadness and beautyโ€ฆ oh so sweet โ€ฆ.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Yet, do you know that many people are sickened by love? The stories behind the word "Love" include betrayal, affairs, and broken hearts.
I imagine there should be a court of love where lovers can seek justice for their broken and betrayed hearts.
Alright, before I discussed the court of love and the law of love, there are some terms in the world of love.

  • True love
    True love is the nature of love, where people give their lives to their beloved ones. This is unconditional love. People who commit to true love will live forever in care and love. That is a beautiful life. Sweet love , sweet lifeโ€ฆ๐Ÿ’‘.
  • Fake love
    Fake love is a false love. A man does not really love his girl. His motives are not about love but about hiding interests, when the girl knows she will be disappointed.๐Ÿ‘น
  • Blind love
    Love is blind. When one falls in love, he will do anything. He doesnโ€™t care what people say about his girl. Everything is wonderful, everything is alright. Have you ever felt this kind of love?
  • Love on one hand,
    This is a love that does not meet the expectations. A girl may love a cute boy, but the boy does not love her. This kind of love is very hurtful.
  • Love at location
    I am not sure what this kind of love means in English. Love at a location means that one meets his lover at a workplace or a certain place where both meet. Some actors and actresses are involved in love at their shooting spots. After they finish their jobs, the love is also broken.
  • Love from a distance
    One has a loving relationship with his lover from a distance. Both do not meet physically. How can they sustain their difficult situation to maintain this kind of love.
    Do you have any ideas about love? After that, you know some terms of love. Letโ€™s go to the court of love. What do you think of love violation that should get punishment?
    What do you think will be in jail most? Men or women?
    When a lover commits to breaking up without any reason, does he deserve punishment?
    These are the love cases that can be prosecuted in a court of love โ€ฆ LOL โ€ฆ๐Ÿ’”
  1. Make the decision to have an affair.
    This is the biggest violation of the law of love. Committing to having an affair relationship will hurt. It is a kind of betrayal.
  2. Leaving someone unattended with no notes.
    This is also a big violation. One leaves his lover without any messages. He only gives hope that it will never end.
  3. Physical violence
    This case is a breaking rule of love itself, where love is about caring and affecting others.
  4. Sharing love with someone else
    One shares his love with another person, whether or not the other person is aware of his lover.This deed hurts the first beloved one. Do you accept your lover's sharing of love with another woman?
    Love makes one do irrational things. It becomes a strong motivation to achieve a goal in life. It also becomes a mental degradation. Affection, jealousy, misery, and happiness are parts of the story in love stories. What do you think if there were a court of love? Who will be prosecuted first? ...LOL
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