Lockdown x1000 unique experience

This is the window view from my living hall. We have changed the window from shutter rack last year right before the lockdown sets in, since then we haven't been really paying attention to the view. I remember I was looking out one raining afternoon and decided I wanted to get rid of the shutters so I can enjoy the view. Sometimes, it's not life being too busy for us to enjoy what we already have, we're the one who overlooked it. We've set the goal, achieved it and still chasing for an unknown dream and forgot to enjoy what we have.


Please don't get me started. I'm not a motivator, and to be absolutely frank with you, I'm a very sad person and I know I have loads of negativity in me. Sometimes I just need a place to vent it all out, and so happen the blockchain can hold some text, so here I am. Like the small hut in the picture above, they used to do cuttings, nailing, welding throughout the day. I used to hate them so much, and little did I find the joy of peaceful evening without them adding extra noise to my living hall. If one of the good thing during this pandemic happen is, they stopped making noise behind my house.


My mom origin is from the clan of the Hakkah(not the New Zealand traditional Haka dance) of the Canton province, she used to made these mint leaf soup grind with ground nuts and mixed with rice. Dude, it's super VEG set lunch. If you're not human or if you're a cow, you'll like it! As I looked at this signboard, I kinda start to miss my mom and the green color stuff she made for us. I know it's absolutely disgusting, but I don't hate it anymore. I will sit there and be a good boy, finish that bowl of green thing infront of her!


Got my home minister a bowl of pork noodle. Look, there's very slim chance you'll still see pig liver in the noodle nowadays. This thing is kinda epic if you know what I mean. There's a few pieces of light brown color thing behind there? See that? Those are deep fried belly fat. Holy potatoes, this thing will keep you slurping and splash the soup droplets all over the place.


I got myself a box of queen noodle. Not exactly sure why they call that, may be it means eat like a queen. But then, have you seen the queen eating out of a lunch box? Well, the ingredient looks nice, with cockles, BBQ pork and roast pork and few pieces of curry chicken hiding beneath those pork. It's absolutely.... ermmm... filling. Not the best noddle I had, but who am I to complain during lockdown? I'd be grateful to have such lavish lunch already. Queen noodle yo!


It wasn't my intention to buy these stuff initially. I was out grabbing lunch for the kids, and I saw there's promotion with the chips, and I remember we ran out of ice cream, and the donut looks delicious. So... I kinda overspent a little, but who doesn't.


I actually packed my own lunch when buying breakfast. I totally forgot to put the stuff separately and left them in the bags for hours. By the time I pour them out, the noodle had absorbed the sauce and this is how horrible it looked like. The taste is still very good, but since its cold and the noodle had absorb the sauce, it's a little too salty and the oil makes it feel kinda disgusting. Nevertheless, still finished it. Don't challenge me, if you remember I ate peanut butter sandwich with cheese. Next time I'm gonna try to put an egg into it.


I didn't order dinner for us, but home minister decided to order delivery from Tepanyaki. We had one beef, one chicken and another salmon. The bean sprout is very refreshing(despite they don't looked like), the rice portion is kinda huge. Imagine, 4 of us sharing 3 boxes, still feel very filling. The meat are properly cooked and can still feel the heat by the time these stuff arrive. I just can't thank enough for such a wonderful lockdown experience our fucken government had blessed us with. With this, I conclude my today's post and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as me eating them.


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