Gimme a cookie engagement challenge

Hey buddies! Have you heard of #ecency ? If not, why not head over to and try their platform? If you're using cellphone to blog, you can download their app and start using them as well.

One of the main cool feature on this app is, it has a point accumulating system to reward their user. You may use the point to boost your post payout, you may also use the points to exchange for a promotion period, so your post get more exposure on other communities as well. Below are some screenshots and an Easter egg. If you want some cookie, read on!

Let there be light! Yes. It's clean. It's nest and tidy. It's easy to use.

No I lied. I actually prefer dark mode better. One thing it save power fromy backlight.

Profile menu also including upvote strength and downvote strength. All essential items are available, best of all this app allowed you to save draft and schedule your posting time. Some of you may have multiple community vote you're trying to score, this is a good tool for you so you won't have to miss any of those post.

Note that you can also logon multiple account from the same app. Which mean you do not need to login and logout many times. All you gotta do is switch between profile and you're good to go.

Best part is yet to come. When you can boost your payout, I guess that's what majority of the people concerned for. Which is where you get to use your points.

You can choose to boost on your own post, or you can choose to boost on comment to create more engagement with your follower. In this screenshot, I boosted a post of my friend, so #ecency left a message there inform the user I've spent some points for the post.

Look at that. Not at all bad, right? I'm happy I'd be able to help other users with the points I earned from #ecency app, and I hope everybody benefit from it as well.

Other than boost, you may also use the promotion function. By paying with certain amount of points, you can increase your post exposure by making your post visible from other communities. I don't want money! I just want someone to read my post. Ok that's too much. Why not boost it and make some money, and promote it to earn some eyeball since your post worth it?

Highlight of this post. I would like to show my love to fellow ASEAN HIVER in this community, each constructive reply in this post will be boosted with 150points, and on next engagement league by @justinparke , I will personally send 500points as a gift for the winner(s).

Looking forward seeing more users of #ecency app.

Spam comment may earn you a 10k HP worth of downvote though. I promise it will be a full 100% downvote.

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