Beets are one of my favorite vegetables. As a kid, my mom would serve beets at least once a week because my dad really enjoyed them.
When I look back in time when I was growing up I realize just how much has changed in the way families go about serving and consuming a meal.
In my home, dinner time was always conducted as a family and the meal that my mom cooked was what was on the menu, no variations.

Sitting down at the dinner table as a family seems to be a thing of the past.

Eating what was put on your plate, every morsel seems to be a thing of the past.

Sharing quality time during the meal seems to be a thing of the past.

Putting together a healthy meal based on nutritional value seems to be a thing of the past.

I understand that families are busier than ever these days and eating properly seems to have taken a big hit. Fast food, junk food, catering to an individual's taste, eating on the go with no specific time to gather as a family, and wasting food are common practices these days.

The old saying, you are what you eat, tells the story of obesity, diabetes, poor concentration, behavioral problems, eating disorders, heart disease, anemia, weak immune system, gout, ulcers, acne, and the list goes on.


Big pharmaceutical companies love the way we fuel our bodies, all the way to the bank.
Healthy eating habits should be a major concern of all parents right from the get-go.

Many foods take time to acquire a taste for and just because a child may turn his nose up to a particular dish, is no reason to strike it from the menu.


When I first started dating @farm-mom my parents wanted to meet her and suggested that I invite her over for dinner. I gave her the lowdown on what to expect during dinner and some of the GOLDEN RULES, with the most important one being, whatever you put on your plate, make sure you finish.
She was as nervous as a squirrel crossing the road while meeting the family for the first time.
When we first arrived, the house was a ball of activity, and as we entered she was greeted with warmth and friendliness.

When my mother called us to dinner, it was clear that the table, which was usually set for 7 had increased by 1. As we all sat down, my dad who was a real character, waved to the very nervous young lady, indicating that she was to sit right next to him.


As was standard practice, a blessing was said before the meal.
You filled your plate in an orderly fashion. My dad would start the procession of plates, helping himself first and passing the plate to my mom, who sat to his left.

There was always plenty to go around, and you had better take a little of everything, if you didn't, my dad would notice and he'd give you a big old helping of what you were trying to avoid.


That evening's meal included peas, a vegetable I knew my girlfriend couldn't stand and wouldn't be putting any of those things on her plate. I also knew my dad would not give her a double helping for not taking any, as she was a guest.
Just as the little green nuggets were passed to me, my dinner date turned towards my dad to reply to something he had asked her.
What's a guy supposed to do when he wants to impress his new girlfriend, GIVE HER A HEAPING LADEL OF A VEGEBALE SHE DESPISES, knowing that she wouldn't break the most important Golden Rule, whatever you put on your plate, make sure you finish.


Now that I look back at that evening, I'm glad she didn't dump me for that stunt.
To this day, we still chuckle about that event, and guess what, one of Robin's favorite veggies is now PEAS.

This year we were able to process 32 pounds of one of the most nutritious veggies out there.
Beets are great just as a side dish, or if you like things pickled the healthy benefits increase.


Include them in a salad of mixed greens and some goat cheese topped with homemade raspberry sauce and I promise you'll become a fan of this glorious root crop.

Many splendid hours were spent together while hobbitizing in the garden, enjoying a lunch filled with the veggies of our labor.


Eat your way to a healthy life.

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