Garden Journal, The Greenhouse Tomato Plants

Hello, hivers and gardeners!

I haven't written a post specifically about my greenhouse plants in a while, so I thought that now would be as good of a time as any to do that.

Every year since we built the greenhouse, in 2016, I've grown tomato plants inside the greenhouse. The greenhouse faces south, and has 16 feet of south exposure. I can fit 10 of the 15 gallon size planting pots in that space. I've tried growing a variety of different types of tomato plants in the greenhouse over the past 5 years, and the results have been pretty consistent. All of the plants will grow well, but the paste type tomato plants pollinate easier in the greenhouse than the beefsteak types do. That means I get a lot more tomatoes in the greenhouse from the paste type plants. The 2 types that seem to do the best for me are the heirloom Amish Paste type and the Roma type. This year, I'm also trying the Blue Beech paste tomato, it's my first time trying that variety.

Here's a look into the greenhouse through the door on the west end of the greenhouse. The Amish Paste plants are the really tall ones on the far end of the row. The Roma plants are closest to the door, and there's 2 Blue Beech plants in the middle of the row.


Here's a better look at the Amish Paste plants. I've cut the tops off them a couple of times to try to keep them from getting completely out of control.


Here's a look at some of the developing tomatoes, and flowers on the Amish Paste plants.




These are the Roma tomato plants, as well as the 2 Blue Beech plants. As you can probably see, the Roma plants are really dense with big leaves. It's really hard to see inside those plants to know if there's tomatoes in the middle of the jungle.


There are small tomatoes, and flowers on the tops of the plants. The Roma plants can be quite prolific, much like a cherry tomato plant.



Here's a couple of pictures of the baby tomatoes on the Blue Beech plants. The shape of the tomatoes reminds me somewhat of the San Marzano tomatoes.



I almost forgot to post this picture. This is plant #11 in the greenhouse. This was an extra Amish Paste plant that I didn't really know what to do with. It was a late seed planting, and was kept in a small pot too long, which is why its so much smaller than the other plants. Still, it has flowers on it, so I have hope for it.


I have one more picture for you. This is not from the greenhouse, it's a close up of the Borage plants in the garden.


That's all I have for this post, thanks for stopping by to check it out!

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