Hi, noob here!

Hi I'm Zighue, greetings everyone.
I joined the hive community yesterday at the invitation of my brother @photocracia. He had been telling me about the hive community for some time now. So this weekend I took the opportunity to create the account and explore the community. Even those who want can take a look at my #introduceyourself topic

I am passionate about games, especially strategy, rts, rpg and mmo.

I was looking for gaming communities and I found this one. Soon I should create a post to show a little of the games I've been playing, also make some reviews, bring tips...

I hope to create friendships and that we can play something together or even develop something as a team lol.

I know that here in the community the crypto games must be on high, if anyone can recommend a game that is fun with low cost or no cost to join and have fun, please let me know!

Here's a list of the games I've been playing:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column