My First Ever Splinterlands Card Pack Opening!

Hey people of Hive and you Splinterlands players! Recently I've been trying to get into the game and thought I would try and buy a few packs to see what kind of cards I would get. Now normally I'd make a video of these things but I was unable to so this time I am just writing a short blog to show off what I got. If you'd like a video next time of another pack opening next, let me know as I may do more!

Pack #1


Seemed like a pretty basic pack, I was pretty sure I owned all of these cards but I'm aware that you can combine cards to make higher level versions (I believe) so I was not complaining. Also didn't realise till writing this up that I got a Rare here as well!

Pack #2


Again, it was another pack of duplicates but I did not mind. These were my first packs so I was not expecting anything too amazing. Again, could always save them to combine. Plus another Rare card too!

Pack #3


Now this one surprised me a little. I'm aware it's not the most valued Epic card but it was pretty cool to get one. The first I have added to my collection!

Pack 4


Again, was a majority pack of duplicates expect the Goblin Thief and the Rare Unicorn Mustang. Been noticing a lot of bronze players I go up against (haha I'm currently in bronze 3, just started _) as using this card. It does have good health I'll give it that.

Pack #5


For my final pack, I got a couple more duplicates but also got two new Rare cards! So I really can't be bummed about it. The Spark Pixies also has great speed on it too as well as flying. If I use a fire splinter anytime soon I'll have to give it a go.

But yes, these were the cards I got in my first ever pack opening. They aren't super amazing but let me know what you guys think. Any of these cards I am underestimating? They all pretty bad? Should I do another card pack opening? Let this new player know!

All of my packs were purchased using the $Hive token, as somebody who is away from home and unable to make an income at the moment. I was appreciative of that feature. it just makes sense!



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