[Let's Play] Control { Ep. 3 }

We went back to Emily to report that we found the hotline. She said its very useful and gave us another mission. This time we need to clear another points and fix some systems in order to prevent the big explosion of the place. First we need to find Ahti, guys I love this guy. To me he will allways sound like Viking XD Even tho I heared it doesn't sound like it to other people. He gave us some key that opened a door for us so we can move forward. I was kinda lost in this place, but after some time I found where I need to go, I talk with the security guy and he gave us 2 missions that we are going to continue in next episode! Its so cool this game feels so smooth. Every time I play it I really enjoy. But it became kinda scary, sometimes my heart rate is bumping up. Some scary things but its not that scary as typical horror games so I think I can handle it.

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