Life Lessons of Resident Evil 6

Video games can teach you many lessons about life. About relationships and experiencing life together, for example. Some researchers say that we reach our video game peak around 24 years of age. This is the time when we’re at our most nimble mentally and physically. Then life goes on. You find a girl (or guy), you set up a home, and then you grow together and leave video games behind. Later, after you’ve done some adulting, you get back to the digital fold and realize that you now suck at video games. You’re not as nimble with the controller, you’re not as perceptive of the surrounding environment, you’re not as fast in detecting threats, and navigating through the mazes. Yet, you’re still growing together and sharing those special memories.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“It’s not me. The controller is not working.”

"What do you mean it's not working?"

"Look, look. I press the button and nothing happens."

Soon you also get blown up, and you realize it’s not her, it’s not you, it’s both of you. Time passed while your heads were down and now a simple task is a gargantuan struggle.

“Oh my god. Pay attention to the gun.”

“What gun?”

“The one that keeps blasting your ass! The tank gun! Swerve from side to side to avoid it.”

“Okay, but don’t get mad. I’m trying my best.”

"I'm not mad."

"You're shouting."

"Just pay gaddamn attention to the tank."

Compassion in the face of adversity. The wisdom of the ages. Yes, it's difficult to stay calm when you got a tank barreling on top of you. But it’s just a game, right? Nothing to get worked up about. Together you have faced more difficult obstacles and overcome them.

“Okay look. Let’s calm down a bit, or we're gonna be here forever.”

“You’re the one who’s freaking out.”

“We’re getting stuck at the end of the hallway. It comes to an end, but because WE'RE BOTH freaking out, we don’t realize it. Once you get to the end of the hallway, there’s a door to the side. Go through the door, and we’ll be safe.”


"Remember. Situational awareness is the key."

"Got it."

That’s it. It’s the poetry of life. You don’t have to fly to the moon to make it work. You don't have to climb mount Everest. You don’t have to create an amazing work of art. You don't have to be rich and famous. To grow in harmony together and save the world from the zombie apocalypse, all you need to do is pay attention to your surroundings and don't freak out.

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