World of Warcraft ~ Ascension, Iron Man Mode... Complete!


A few days ago my illustrious fire wizard completed her grand goal of reaching Level 70 in Iron Man Mode on the Ascension private server.

First of all though, I was surprised to find that you get the reward for Iron Man Mode -- an Ironclad Wolf mount -- when you first hit Level 60. Also, at level 60, you receive a bag of goodies: some gold, a pet, and some assorted gear that may or may not be good for you. For my character, she got a hat and a mace and the rest was vendored.


Despite getting rewarded 10 levels early, my great feat hadn't been announced in chat yet so it was time to venture off into the lands beyond the dark portal.

Which, being on Horde side, was a pain in the arse. Doing the old run-around through Alliance lands just to get to the Swamp of Sorrows, then to the Blasted Lands, and then towards the Dark Portal.


But, after much complaining to my partner... something along the lines of:

"Blaaaahhhhh. All you Alliance types are like, whinge whinge whinge, Blizzard loves Horde, Blizzard does this and that for Horde, Horde is Blizzard's favourite, whinge whinge whinge, and yet here I am, unable to do cooking because half the food is in Alliance lands, and oh look, here I am again, dodging PVP flagged badness because I have to stroll through your lands again just to get to the next expansion."


After much complaining! I finally got to my destination and began questing once more.


The questing in Outlands was different to questing in Classic.

In my last couple of posts, I mentioned that this server almost feels like an Action RPG when it comes to loot drops. Well, that isn't the case once you hit this expansion.

Most quest rewards were the server-based currency, also, with only a small amount of gear. So my person was still in mostly level 40 stuff throughout the entire TBC journey.

Levelling was still fairly quick and simple though. I was expecting a difficulty increase and a slow-down to the XP gain, but that wasn't really the case. I only did a third of the quests in the first zone before getting to level 64 and rushing to Nagrand, then I got to 68 in Nagrand, once more only doing maybe a third of the quests, then I finished off in Shadowmoon Valley.


And there was much rejoicing!

Unfortunately there are still 6-7 days left until New World is released, so I still have time to waste.

So my partner and I started new characters -- Alliance this time, uuuggghh -- and we're trying out Nightmare Mode together. šŸ™‚


I can definitely say that this is difficult! It's not so much that the enemies are harder, they're exactly the same, but your character takes a significant amount of damage. One crit will near one-shot you. You want to down things ASAP so they don't hit you at all.

I have a voidwalker who is useless and has an ineffective taunt but I'm using him as a distraction just so we can kill a couple of things before they notice us. šŸ˜…

This time, for this character, I thought I'd do a Holy build. Mixing and matching the best of the Priest with the Paladin. I am a magical crusader who smites my foes!


And my partner?

He can't make up his mind. šŸ˜‚

He's returned to Stormwind several times to completely unlearn all of his skills and try out a set of new ones.

Protip: If you're playing the Ascension private server and want to level up your skills, look around for someone with a Book of Ascension pet following them. You can learn allllllll of your skills with that book without having to visit individual trainers!

(I wish I had known that on my Blood Elf Fire Wizard... sooooo much running around to trainer to trainer.) xD



Until next time!! šŸ™ƒ



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci, and are from the game: World of Warcraft - Ascension private server.

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