Envisioning my Ideal Game

Originating Idea

Over the past couple years, I have thought of many game ideas including every aspect from playability to story. I am not the greatest at programming and quite frankly hate it so creating it is out, but man the things I would do to be the "director" controlling the whole vision of a game...

One of the first games I had played that really kicked my interest was the Call of Duty franchise, and even through the very rough years I still support the franchise and what they try to bring to the table. So with that in mind, the game in my mind that I envision will have a large emphasis of the CoD mechanics and first person theme. My "first" CoD was Modern Warfare 3, and I have many dear memories of every type of emotion, it was everything to me.


Source Video

Call of Duty: Brink of Extinction


Man I'm bad at thumbnails 😩

Campaign -

Set into the far future, you play as Jackal, a Marine Corps. Gunnery Sergeant unknowingly setting off on the last official military mission with his squad. Among international tension, many officials and higher-ups are held up in bunkers and fallout shelters scattered around the resource-desolate planet Earth. The spec ops mission directed to Jackal and his squad is to assault and eliminate the known official of the Cezchlidechian (WIP) terrorist organization happening to be held in another bunker in the Eastern Province of Russia.

During the execution of the terrorist official, every country starts to set off their nukes and nuclear genocide begins. Jackal and his team is lucky as they have a bunker, but there are still some stragglers alive and trying to kill them in the currently locked bunker. Many humanity organizations took masses of people in before it was too late, but much of the population did not make it and died along with the idea of government.



With the extreme revolution of technology and military equipment, these nuclear blasts did not leave radioactive particles allowing for exiting the bunker only after 30 days. However, much of the buildings are gone along with animals and plant life where the nukes had detonated.

Immediately, murderous factions were created and began to fight with each other over the scarce resources, many bunkers left remains of people that died from these factions. With Jackal and his squad, survive the wasteland searching for a new civilization and protect the helpless.

Campaign in a Nutshell

This game would have a deeply diverse and intriguing storyline, with complex characters, feelings and brotherhood. For sake of post length, I will keep it here and bullet some of the major features that are a must.

• Open world with AI that can create new missions leading to an endless campaign experience
• Mass multiplayer in campaign, think battle royale but story driven and no perma-death
• Every single gun from all CoDs up to now, for nostalgia and weapon diversity (future setting allows for energy weapons, but also modern weapons)
• Skill trees for new abilities and attributes
• Weapons and loot drop, along with rarity system. Extremely hard to achieve "end-game" gear
• Apocalyptic voice acting, audio such as Urban Chaos: Riot Response -"You're gonna die, motherfucker!"
• "Bosses" or "Raids" to get better gear but extremely challenging
• Escape from Tarkov Weapon modding system
• Food and Water looting/management system



Okay not everyone cares about the campaign...

This game will also have multiplayer, just like any other CoD and will have staple gamemodes like groundwar, Search and Destroy, Free For All, Gun Game, and many others. Every weapon will have a level system to unlock new attachments along with player level progression and prestige rewards.

Call of Duty: Brink of Extinction is vastly different as your favorite weapon from any of the past CoDs will be in it, along with under-rated maps that have never been brought back but definitely should have been. Mechanics are now extremely realistic, effectively removing the stereotype of CoD being a "point-and-shoot" game.

I don't care about shooting other people either...

That's okay, CoD: Brink of Extinction will have the hall of fame for arcade games and extras that have been added to the past games in the franchise. Zombies, Special Ops Survival, and solo/co-op mini-missions will be added too.


Zombies -

Now I will admit, there has to be some people that do not like zombies, but that number must be dang near zero because I haven't met a single person to not enjoy CoD zombies. Nostalgia is a #1 priority when it comes to these extra arcade modes, so many of the old mechanics will be along side the newer mechanics. Pack a punch, the mystery box and showcase perks with older maps will still be in the game, but also new mechanics and maps will be masterfully crafted to incubate the longevity of the game.

Survival -

I am definitely biased on this one, but survival was the undisputed champ in extra modes. The only CoD to do this correctly is MW3, the new MW tried but it is not the same.. not even close. This is an arcade mode, so it will start easy just like MW3 and slowly get harder, no need to start immediately impossible. cough Modern Warfare cough

Theme of the mode is almost the same as zombies, but instead of zombies chasing you, its enemies that track you and try to kill you. Last as long as possible as the amount of enemies and gear of them become harder to handle.

Special Operation Missions -

Special operation missions are another staple. These missions are timed and not terribly difficult, any player can play and enjoy doing these small extra missions. I spent probably the same amount of time in multiplayer as I did these missions, they are just fun to relax on and you don't have to worry about others "pub stomping" you possibly ruining the relaxing mood.

Modding Community

CoD: Brink of Extinction will have industry leading modding capabilities for offline games and arcade games so that when my developers stop making maps, the community steps in and lets their minds be the only thing stopping them. Modded zombies is hands-down the best alteration to CoD that I have been able to be part of, I've easily spent days worth of time in customs zombies maps and imported weapons. It would be a travesty to have a zombie mode without allowing the community to make it the way they want it.


↑ Most Enjoyable Modded Zombie's Map I've Ever Played ↑

It doesn't stop there though, special ops missions and the survival will be moddable too, something that has never been seen in these modes. Maybe a modder could make a campaign-like thing in survival, which could be really cool. I've seen stories implemented in modded zombies maps before and sometimes it is better than the actual campaign that comes with the game. Every bit of this game will be future-proof and will push game longevity to its' limits to change the gaming industry forever.

Concluding thoughts

If I was to make this game right now, I would definitely need more time to iron out some of the issues but this is my main idea behind my ideal game. I got a ton of inspiration from a wide variety of FPS games such as EFT, CoD, BattleField, Borderlands, Fallout, and more I'm sure. I chose what I did for modes and storyline because many CoDs are the same and don't change, this could completely bring the franchise back to the top of its' glory by trying new things. Fun fact, the reason companies fail to stay at the top is from the idea "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" emphasizing the idea that what brought them to the top will keep them in the top, which is not true in this competitive business environment.

I did want to keep some things as they are major symbols for CoD, but I do not want this to feel like another boring, bad game like the last 10 years of the franchise. My hope for this is to gain new players by the different mechanics and HUGE campaign, to effectively create sprouting communities in every branch of the game.


Thank you for reading!


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