🎮 Reloading Future 🎮 A great idea for a brutal video game

On several occasions in my life I have asked myself, Will I be able to make a video game? It is something that, in spite of having programming knowledge, I consider that it is an arduous and difficult work for many factors, it is not only about programming and making thousands of lines of code, it is about imagination, being able to create a world of fantasy or fictitious reality, composing sounds, music and many more things, for this reason many people tend to look for a team to facilitate this great work.

But what if you had an unlimited budget to do so? Many will choose to make an ambitious project, giant, to dominate the video game market, however, I believe that starting with something simple, but at the same time deep and striking, can trigger other projects in the future, especially to call the public and know what things to change for future sequels or updates.

I have been a gamer of several generations, starting with an Atari 2600 until today, thanks to this I have had experience in various genres, causing me to have a great diversity of tastes, among which stand out the Beat 'em up, shooters, RPG, MMORPG, MOBA, platforms, action, adventures or races. If I were to create a game I would try as much as possible to have several of these elements, but combining it with the evolution of video games, that is, starting from 8-bit graphics to 128 bits.

It all starts with a name, Reloading Future would be the title that I would place, and with this the user will know that you will find one or more time travel, a theme that I personally love, I think it is the right one because of its argument which we will know below.

Our main character named StarLight lives in the year 4325, a human who lives in a time where technology is totally advanced, however, humans live under the yoke of beings who invaded the planet in the year 2030. Every human who rebelled against them was instantly exterminated because their weapons destroy any atom at the speed of light.

The surviving humans had no choice but to redeem themselves before them, becoming practically slaves, the positive side of this invasion is that these beings brought a technology which completely eliminated the use of oil and its derivatives, electric cables, batteries, among other things, obtaining energy freely without polluting space. Over the years humans learned to coexist with them, but they were always seen as inferior beings.

Over time the history of the origin of humanity was disappearing from the minds of humans, reaching the point that everyone believed that these beings were their gods, their creators, however, StarLight inadvertently stumbles upon an abandoned library that is in the basement, it is here where he finds a diary and realizes everything that happened in the past, filling him with anger and proposing to recover the human race, so he must use technology to make several leaps in time to reach the year before the invasion.

This title would include several types of gameplay, the main one being a third-person camera in a semi-open world, with the possibility of a change of gameplay style depending on the decisions made by the player, for example, to obtain a piece needed to build the machine that will help you make the first time jump is necessary to win a racing championship, these would be with futuristic cars and is where the gameplay will change to Need For Speed style games.

There would be missions where the player must infiltrate a kind of building to steal a piece, here completely changes the graphics of the game to 16 bits in an aerial view, where the player can visualize the way to go and have an experience similar to the Metal Gear espionage and action games.

Other things I wouldn't rule out would be the possibility of introducing consciousness inside the computers to be able to extract useful information and learn how to put the pieces together, here I would switch to a 2D - platform format where the player must eliminate all firewalls and protections, encountering a boss as a final challenge before getting the prize, something like the Megaman games.

Additionally, I would add an RPG touch to its main mode, which can increase experience points and skills, so you can pass the most advanced levels of the game, something very similar to one of my favorite video games Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Here I personally enter a blurry territory for me, although I am exaggeratedly detailed in this section, composing some music can be disastrous if I try, I would assign this task to a team that composes a soundtrack between electronic music and rock. Depending on the year StarLight will change completely, as well as in the gameplay changes. Regarding the sounds they will depend on the mode you are playing, but all of them would be futuristic mixed with a touch of reality.

Reloading Future - A simple but ambitious game

I consider Reloading Future to have graphics of games of yesteryear is something a little simpler to cover with respect to concept art, sprites and other features, but having several gameplay modes makes it something quite ambitious. For me it would be an amazing game, where many gamers can enjoy different eras of video games, with lots of action, puzzles, platforming, racing, a bit of suspense and an excellent story that will engage anyone.

See You!!!

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