Luckiest Streak Ever!

I have had the worst losing streak this weekend. Almost 10 games in a row losing streak! Then again, weekends are not the best time of the week to play League if you are looking to improve your performance. All the trolls, unstable internet players, and players that do not play that often make their way onto the rift. I wouldn't say it's not fun, but it is insanely more difficult to play with them in 5v5s than on the weekdays when they do not come to play.

I tried powering through the matches on the weekend, but it is simply so difficult. The skill level difference is insane and the matchmaking is completely broken. One of my matches had a whole 5 ranks difference! According to OP.GG one team was an average of Silver3 and the other of Gold1. That is insane!

Breaking the loss streak with Aphelios


However, today I was finally able to get on the rift and find some really good games. This one, for instance. We just took 2 inhibitors from the enemy and all lanes are pushing except the bottom lane. The enemy team has just revived after their death timers and will probably have to deal with the super minion. SO what do we do? Baron!

We quickly scuttled our way to the baron and after that things were much easier for us. I picked Aphelios solely because I had a thresh support and the enemy bottom lane was Draven and Ivern. Moreover, I think I have lost touch with all other ADCs and simply feel incredibly comfortable playing Aphelios.


Our biggest challenge was dealing with this premade pair of Graves and Ivern. By minute 14 I had taken the bottom lane turret and swapped with our midlaner Karma to deal with the Graves. He had gotten pretty fed with the constant Ivern roams and was the primary carry of the enemy team.

I think Graves is pretty OP right now. His E gives him so much tankiness and his W is a curse for any immobile champion. He can burst out enemies while tanking damage if he has enough Es stacked. Although I prefer building Kraken Slayer on Aphelios, because of the Graves I had to build Galeforce.


Luckily, our Sylas and I scaled enough to hold down the Graves and the enemy Draven didn't get enough kills and items to match our scaling. In the final team fight I grabbed a quick Triple Kill and ended the match with a 14/6 score. Another S- performance to put me closer towards my Mastery 7 on Aphelios!

This match gave me an extra loot box and ended my losing streak of over 10 games. And man what a way to end the loss streak coz the loot boxes were nothing short of an exciting ride!

Lucky Hextech Loot Boxes!

I wasn't expecting anything great. The previous Loot Box openings have been a little rough. I have had my share of Ward Skins and Champion Shards. But this time....


A hextech Loot box, a Hextech loot key, and a Dragon Slayer Diana Epic skin permanent! That means I do not have to spend a single cent to unlock the skin and can straight away play with it! That's like $14 worth of loot opening in one go!

And then I get to open one more whole box!? Man, am I lucky!


I was feeling lucky now so decided to re-roll a few skins I had from the very short list of over 18 skin shards waiting to be unlocked.
There is a system for rerolling skin shards. There is a higher chance of receiving permanent EPIC skin if you reroll at least EPIC skin shards. There is a higher chance of receiving permanent Legendary skin if you reroll 2 or more Legendary skin shards. You get the idea...

But since I was feeling lucky I decided to reroll 3 normal skin shards and was strongly hoping I at least get a normal skin of some character that I play. But...



A $10 skin for free just by rerolling $2 normal skin shards! Is that lucky or what?!

I love playing Kog'Maw so this is a treat!

I had one more Hextech Loot Box to open and my luck was still at full charge....



Another Key and Box! I am on a roll today! The Battle Regalia Poppy normal skin shard is whatever. I'll probably disintegrate it for Orange Essence to collect enough for a new skin.

There is a Twitch skin that I have been eyeing for quite some time now. It costs 1050 RP or 1050 OE. I'll probably unlock that and then will begin playing a lot of Ability Power Twitch ADC with Hail of Blades.



The final opening was the perfect ending to loot opening. 2 Eternal shards which pop off for around 75-100 Orange Essence and another 200 Orange Essence. More for me to unlock the Epic Shadowfoot Twitch Skin!

But damn. An end to a losing streak with an S- performance. Two Loot pairs one after the other. An Epic Skin from 3 normal skins. Plenty of OE. I don't think I have had a luckier day on League of Legends ever before!


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