How long can the CDL Survive?


CDL stands for Call of Duty League and it is actually a professional eSports league for the game Call of Duty. The format of this League is quite similar to other FPS Leagues like Overwatch but now that their parent company has launched their Battle Royale version of Call of Duty named Warzone things to seem to have slowed down a little. The popularity of the CDL was already on the downtrend but it seems that the arrival of their new Mode of Game Warzone has shifted viewers from the League to Warzone.

Call of Duty fans are one of the most die-hard communities of the Gaming Industry and now they seem to be in a hard place as they have to decide whether to watch League or Warzone. But by the looks of it, we are already witnessing a shift in the numbers towards Warzone as right now Warzone is pulling a viewership of approx 150K viewers per day if we calculate that with the number of days in a year that accounts for a lot of viewership. Yes the CDL also pulls some decent viewerships and it's nothing to joke about but still, I feel like the traction that warzone has is something that is lacking in CDL.

If you ask me Activision can now go one of two ways. The first is to do what they have been doing all over again keep the CDL alive and do Warzone events in the midst as well but the second option might be the tricky as well as the hard one. Activision may think about dropping one of their Games as an eSports and just focus on the other completely. I know Activision is not short on cash and probably keeps both the CDL and Warzone afloat but when it comes to business it really sounds like keeping only One eSports game at a time sounds better than two.

What do you guys feel about this Development?


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