Stop paying Minting Fees -

So now that we are Launching to bring Layer 1 NFT's to Hive.
I want to talk a bit more about our goals.

1 - Record Immutable Human Readable Game Data to the Hive Blockchain
2 - Eliminate Listing Fees for Developers - Don't Pay gas fees or token fees for MINTING
3 - Provide a Marketplace front-end for players/users to buy/sell/trade items - No reason to build a new one
(embedding coming at a later date)

I am sure there are more points but those are the top ones.

If you go to the following Link
you will see the above image. Stating our API is fully on-line and a link to the SWAGGER Docs talking about the entire back-end protocol.

We are currently white-listing devs to join us as we don't want the platform getting spammed.
If you are interested reach out we would love to work with you.

Our goal is for projects/games involved with our ecosystem to work together as much as possible.
I know a lot of the technical side of the Hive community may dismiss or try to find faults with what we have built and what the "issues" we are going to run into are.

I welcome them to have a "voice" conversation with me.
I have been working on the design of this for quite a while and we have tested quite a bit of it.
So I may / may not already have answers to your questions or "issues".

This is not just "thrown up" it has been throughly considered around the concept of in the future games will generate items and players want a true NON-KYC digital ownership of those items.

Players / Community - I know this post is on the technical side but our launch is coming up shortly and I hope you support us by being part of the 1st sell on the platform.

Game operators / Devs - We have more we want to build. Lite Accounts. Item burns. Better item upgrades etc..
We would love anyone to join us and improve the ecosystem or marketplace.

FAQ - I have a collection on a different chain or system. Can I be a part of DarkCloaks ????

YES - You can run in parallel our system with a different one. or you can migrate over. We have no Listing fees / no minting fees. Let's chat about it.

Looking forward to everyone joining us on this journey.

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