Hivesigner UI: 1-click login

Bzz! Bringing you more Hivesigner user interface updates, simple and easy account management.


In this v0.2.3 release, we have simplified login system even more, now it is possible to Login with 1 simple click, literally.

Also changed some terminalogy to commonly used words and phrases so average internet users could understand and follow interface easily.

What's new

  • Better account management
  • Removal of chrome extension and its functions/files
  • Consistent wording across screens
  • Fix authorize redirection
  • Importing account and Selecting account easily
  • Added Signup button points to
  • Added cancel_transfer_from_savings operation
  • Cleaner Encrypting keys page

These new changes not only improve your experience but also allows us to add more security layers such as 2FA, hardware wallet encryption into Hivesigner. Exciting times ahead!

Long waited Signing page will be our next big target for UI. You could login and sign transactions easily by finding any chain operation on Hivesigner website and auto fill, sign, broadcast.

Hivesigner API

Hey awesome devs, one particular improvement we made on Hivesigner API to help some uses cases like and I think, this could be useful for many apps too.

/api/me function now returns extra user_metadata field (object) as well which contains json_metadata of user account (Display name, Location, Website, etc. if defined by user).

User metadata is parsed from posting_json_metadata with fallback to deprecated json_metadata and returned as object, which can be easily accessed and used without extra JSON.parse operation in your apps.

Condenser Hivesigner integration

Thanks to @voltair, we have bounty contribution to implement Hivesigner integration into and We are waiting few more reviews and more tests before asking everyone to test it out.
If you are developer and familiar with reactjs, please feel free to join and help reviewing merge requests. The more eyes we have on this the better!

Hive on!

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