Our Earth: How long will mother's love last?

My greetings to all my friends. This is my first post in this outdoors and more community. Seeing the views of all you nature lovers, I too felt tempted to express my views. I hope you will like it. Friends, motherly love is a different feeling, that no one in this world can value. Friends, you people will think about what you are saying in this community today. Friends, I am going to tell you only about our nature. Before that, let us talk about something. As I said, a mother's love is found in all living beings.

Image by Peter Schmidt from Pixabay

From insects and ants to all animals and human beings, there is motherly love in the mother of all living beings, not only humans. I would say that in some cases, it is found in excess. A mother nurtures her children, and not only that, she also takes care of and protects them. We all also have a mother; she is our mother earth. And just as a mother considers all her children the same, similarly to this mother, all are equal to her, from microscopic creatures to humans. She loves everyone equally. But he has a child, Manav, who, due to the power of his intelligence, keeps trying to keep all his brothers under his control. And that is why all his brothers are angry with him.

Image by Chris Sonam from Pixabay

Man is forgetting that the earth is our mother and all living beings are our brothers. The demands of human beings are increasing. And because of this, everyone is angry, and Mother Earth has also become angry. But being a mother, she forgives our sins. Keeps giving many chances. We are taking chances, but we are not learning anything from them. We neither try to understand nor try to change. Friends, there is no end to the attachment we have. We are destroying the earth by harming it in many ways. We are making countless holes in its stomach for its mineral wealth, oil, coal, etc. We have dug it up to build buildings. We have not even left the ocean. We have even polluted the sky. Somewhere, we are hollowing it from inside and building big buildings and bridges on it. By doing this, we are harming the earth.

Image by Fran Soto from Pixabay

And the general public is doing all this; we think that the government should do something or some organization should do something. But this does not happen. We all have to start with ourselves. Our little effort is enough to save it. So many people live on this earth; even if each of them makes a small effort, it is enough. From saving water to using your car less, everyone should plant a tree. Pay attention to the garbage. These are all small things. But we don't pay attention. We do not have to live alone here; we need the entire creation. From insects to plant animals.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

If all these are not there, then imagine how it would feel. Our eyes do not open quickly. When it opens, time will have passed, and there will be nothing left to do. Looking at global warming, we can understand that the destruction of this earth is at our doorstep. We have to stop seeing the end of this mother's tolerance, and trying to help her as a son can only be beneficial for us and our future generations. There is a great need to do something at the individual level. The government is not going to do anything; it has to fulfill the needs of so many people; they need oil, vehicles, and electricity. All this will be provided by the government, but we ourselves have to do the work of saving the earth. And the day everyone starts doing this, that day will be very important for our earth and its future. Thank you.
Disclaimer:This post is originally written in Hindi by me. English is not my first language. and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.
User Name@mulik369
LocationPanvel New Mumbai ,Maharashtra,India
contentOriginal text,of my authorship Exclusive to Hive Blog.
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