Perception: You idiot

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Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.

Lao Tzu

Idiot isn't high on the list of adjectives I'd use to describe myself; sure it's on the list, in fact it's probably been on everyone's list or will be if they're truthful, because humans do idiotic things. That's just part of our nature I think. But no, I'd not go as far as calling myself an idiot in general. However I was called that recently.

As a gun owner and operator over the last thirty-plus years I've been called all sorts of things. Mostly I ignore it because I know what I am and have no need to clarify it to someone who has already pre-judged me. I'm happy to be who I am and let others have their perception; their reality. But sometimes, just sometimes, someone pokes me in the wrong spot and I get annoyed. I don't like it when it happens as it empowers that person and breathes life into their perception, even just within my own mind, but it happens.

A little while ago someone I've known for about five years found out I have guns and decided to call me out on it. He's one of those entitled types who feels their opinion is the only viable one and that everyone needs to hear it. He began to have the anti-gun conversation with me, which I refuse to have, and the more I avoided it the more he pursued it. Typical progressive modus operandi.

Of course most of the dialogue was based around information garnered from the mainstream media propaganda machine and was America-focused. A lot of it riled me up but I didn't let that show, rather, I nodded and added a few, I guess we're all entitled to our own opinions, at opportune moments which made it worse for the poor sod. The fellow was looking for a fight, or at least the ability to continue his diatribe and the validation he clearly thought he would subsequently receive I suppose.

I never have that conversation; the pro or anti gun conversation. I used to but realised the drama that often ensues isn't worth it. Drama and I don't get along so well. The thing is that it's not possible for someone else to change my stance on the matter. It's like a vegan person trying to prevent me from eating meat; no matter how much they scream at me it's not going to happen. Only I can change my position on something, my thought. It's happened too, but only after I've done my own research and listened to my own intuition on the matter. Ranting at me about anti-gun sentiment isn't going to win me over.

The short story is that chap, a mid-fifties person who has never held or fired a firearm in his life, didn't get any satisfaction and resorted to the only possible secondary protocol possible. Name calling.

Moron and idiot featured prominently but there were others. I accepted it all of course and even dropped a couple more, I guess we're all entitled to our own opinions, lines then moved on and went on with life. I think the chap wasn't able to do so, but that's his burden to carry. Again, I know what and who I am and that's what matters to me and those special people who see and accept it.

My mother once set a rule for me: No guns, motorbikes or tattoos. I ended up getting all three and she accepted it. Indeed, she went out of her way to understand it although I never managed to get her to operate a firearm. She could not bring herself to do it. I respected mum for that, the attempt she made to understand and accept rather than repel it.

None of those three things say anything about me individually. I'm not one particular thing, it's the sum and total that has to be taken into consideration and whilst it sounds easy in theory people often find it so difficult to do in practice. Not just with me I mean, with anybody.

I'm pretty confident that most firearms owners in my country have similar stories although most I know will take the bait and rise up in defence. I just don't see the point because mostly the other person's opinion is so deeply ingrained, right or wrong, that it ends up being like two positive ends of a magnet trying to come together; a total disconnect and not worth the energy to attempt.

It won't be the last time someone attempts to dissuade me from firearms and it certainly won't be the last time someone calls me an idiot; I'm sure at some stage I'll even be worthy of the accolade. Perception is unavoidable and it's ok; we all do it. I guess I work hard to add in some research and stay ready to pivot away to a new perception if required; be flexible and open to the information. Our progressive-ranter above clearly is not and I think it would be a terrible way to live. That's just my opinion though.

Have you had a similar situation? I know not many here have firearms but maybe you've had the situation arise in some other way? What happened and how did you deal with it? Were you on the giving or receiving end? Drop a comment if you like as I'd love to hear from you.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

The image is mine

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