Two-Step Manifesting - QUICK, EASY, EFFECTIVE


There are only two steps to manifesting

Are you fed up with all the techniques you're trying, and nothing really works? "Vibe higher," "ignore your reality," "be more grateful," "say more affirmations," "picture your end picture before you go to bed," and so on?

I'm about to share a very simple formula with you. And I am telling you, it is ALL you need to do. It works better than ANYTHING you'll try. I'm not saying all the other methods don't work and don't help. They all do. And you do whatever works for you! But I guarantee you nothing you do is likely to be as powerful or straight forward as the following two steps I'm about to go into:

STEP 1. Alter your subconscious beliefs
STEP 2. Ignore your current reality

1. Alter Your Subconscious Beliefs

Your beliefs create your reality. If you alter your beliefs, your reality will alter with it. Period. The trick is, knowing what those beliefs are, and knowing how to alter them, as most of them are suconscious, and rather fixed in place.

If you have a core belief that abundance must be earned, for example, or that love must be earned, then your subconscious and creator self (godself, inner being, higher self, universe, source energy) will work together to bring you scenarios that play out so that the money and the love you receive are always "earned." And if you ever receive love or money freely or with very little effort, your life will bring you scenarios that sabotage those for you because they do not fit within the construct of your current belief that they MUST BE EARNED.

So it stands to reason, then, that it might be important to make sure you've got a GREAT set of core beliefs in place, so that the rest of your life plays out in a way that benefits you. No?

We'll get into how to alter your core beliefs in a moment.

2. Ignore Your 3D

Ignoring your 3D basically means taking your awareness away from something that is going on in your current reality. But BEWARE!!!

This is LESS ignoring, and MORE just altering your reactions.

Our reactions, emotions, and meanings we place on things are each a strong indicator of our awareness of a thing. So when we change our reactions, emotions, and meanings, we are essentially changing our awareness. When we make something LESS a part of our awareness, the idea is, it fades away.


But who are we kidding? If you are late on rent, you can't IGNORE the rent! If you get hit by a car, you can't ignore the broken neck. If your spouse is cheating on you, you can't very well IGNORE the fact that he's sitting on his phone texting at the dinner table, ignoring you, getting a smirk on his face, and a boner in his pants. Who could possibly ignore that? I'm certainly not asking you to. That would be ludicrous.

What you CAN do, though, is create a different reaction to it, assign a different meaning to it, and take your attention away from it. You may still need to pay the rent, fix the neck, and go to marriage counseling.

But -- And this is important -- You must change your reaction to it

On another level, you must do whatever it takes to give this issue as little attention as you possibly can. Reduce emotional reaction to it, reduce mental fixation upon it, assign different meaning to it. And THIS is the stuff of gods.

When you cease to respond to your reality, this act overrides the beliefs that are creating it.

I'm not saying it will disappear right away. Most likely it won't. You still may need to DEAL with it in 3D.

But when you combine this practice with the simple act of changing the core belief, the issue you struggle with will literally disappear, and your life will give you new scenarios that match the new belief system you choose.

How To Alter Subconscious Beliefs

I have spoken about this multiple times. You can tackle the subconscious in several ways.

  1. hypnosis
  2. end picture before bed
  3. guided sleep meditation
  4. custom recordings and affirmations
  5. subconscious entrainment

Of all the above listed, the most powerful, most effective, quickest, most painless way to alter subconscious is subconscious entrainment. The others work. This works faster.

But altering your subconscious beliefs is the FASTEST, QUICKEST, and perhaps ONLY way to change your reality. Manifesting is literally an extension of internal core beliefs and self concepts. The second those change, your reality will conform.

I don't care HOW MANY things you've tried, or how practiced you are

NOTHING will change until the core belief is handled first. And once it does, your manifesting turns to actual gold. I have seen this process happen in literal seconds. I have done it dozens upon dozens of times, and my clients have seen the same miraculous results I have.

I have literally seen my reality completely transform in front of my eyes: people change their personalities and behaviors, bank account balances increase, health issues disappear, bosses suddenly give you a raise or praise you for hard work, yards get cleaned up, estranged family members apologize, cars suddenly work after being broken down, spouses stop cheating, SP's come pining and howling at the moon.

It applies to every and any scenario you can think of.

It works. It is the best formula I've found in manifesting. And I know how to do it and can teach it well.

Frequently Asked Questions About Subconscious Entrainment

If you would like to learn how to undo your subconscious
and effortlessly rewrite a new reality
Message me below, or on Discord at @littlescribe#2251 to find out more


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