Poets of Hive - An Introduction to a Poetic Community

Poets of Hive - An Introduction to a Poetic Community

You don't have to write poetry to be a poet.

Gray and Orange Salon Coordinator Business Card (1).png

Welcome to Poets of Hive, a brand new community for poets and writers of all sorts.

I created this place for people to share their content with fellow poets and those who see the poetic nature of life in all its beauty and wish to engage with a like-minded and like-hearted community. There is a myriad of communities and groups of writers on here already, however there doesn't seem to be a set place for them to interact with each other, publish their work and actually get read by fellow users and writers.

My aim is to create a place which will attract people with a genuine interest in reading fellow writers' work whilst also sharing some of what they have to offer with the community. The creation of a truly mutualistic symbiosis between poets on here would result in immense growth and confidence boost in many aspiring writers, which is why I believe supporting one another is the only way for us all to grow on an individual level and as a whole.

There are, nevertheless, no set rules that I have set out for this community. I believe in trusting the people of Hive and giving them the liberty to share any content on here that they like in any quantity they like.

The theme here is poetry, however, as the slogan for the community goes :

You don't have to write poetry to be a poet.


Thank you for reading.

Much love.

Namaste & In lak'ech


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