SplinterPals, am i in the wrong community ?


A farmer once said : Listen up pal, the government wants to shteal our lands, but they don' know yet 'bout our shplinterLands.

"Sponsored by my imaginary idea about farmers language" "No offence"

Days and numbers

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the new "just shut up" long Article.
Day FİVE wasn't for Hive, and day SİX wasn't there to fix.
So let's have a look on day SEVEN to see what is all about.
"it's obvious don't act like it's so exciting"

The new Pal

Meet kevin, my new fictional friend
"it's official guys, fictional friends are real".
Kevin is an unstoppable hero, he can have many battles, fight them all, and lose them all. No worries because kevin is a big fan of John LEGEND.
You know him ? The guy who says "even when i lose i'm winning".
Last fight for Kevin was so thrilling, i've encouraged him "win this battle or i will make you my golden slave"
Golden slaves are quite expensive these days !


You guessed it right ? Kevin is a furious chicken.
"İgnore the black THİNGS, this is it how you play on mobile browser"

Bring up your chickens pals and let's move to our main farm. İ mean form. Yes let's move to our main form yeeah.

Our main FORM

Last few days i had two unCARDY uninteresting daily quests, in addition to studying forever and not sleeping.
So it wasn't worth writing a post. İt isn't worth now also, but i am in the mood. So why not.


İ'll DRİNK them. Yeah yeah just close.

i think my next move will be renting cards, especially some death CARDS "because death is cool and kills people", then i will start to pray for having cards in the daily quests "my secret plan".
İ've climbed a bit, reached rank 600, and i am facing some serious players "where did you came from guys"
i can't believe, they want to win !!


Can we sell those POTİONS ??

Ending our boring no rewards days, don't skip the final words. "Because that is what people usually do"


İ was thinking, as i am stealing all those photos from google, will they sue me or something ?

Did you know that PAL means also "property and land", and from now on, you can say "SplinterPals" without being sued.

Well guys, time to go, don't forget to sleep, keep the government away from splinterlands and buy CHİCKENS.

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