Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Trying new Card - CHAIN GOLEM

Hello guys, this is my entry to the "Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!". If you want to participate and/or read more about the challenge, click here.

We are getting closer to the end of this season and what better way to end it than doing more extermination and building new strategies? With this in mind, I went out looking at the rental market and my eyes caught this impressive unit, it goes by the name of Chain Golem. I am sure, you have seen or perhaps used this card before.

It is a legendary neutral unit and comes with a hefty price. Can it justifies this price, let's talk about its stats in detail.

Chain Golem

Shield, Void

Chain Golem is a legendary neutral unit that deals with melee attacks and is part of the Promo edition. I had a level 2, which deals with 3 melee damages and has 2-speed points and 8 health points. Also, it has 4 extra armour of its own.

It also comes with two interesting abilities called Shield and Void, which makes it a perfect candidate for a tank. Although it costs 8 mana but those abilities and both attacking and defensive abilities justify this heavy cost.

Now, let's talk about my lineup. Any guesses where I put the Chain Golem? xD

My Lineup

This is my lineup for the battle

Mylor Crowling
Position 1
Chain Golem
Shield, Void
Position 2
Mycelic Morphoid
Position 3
Queen Mycelia
Protect, Amplify
Position 4
Khmer Princess
No ability
Position 5
Goblin Thief
Position 6

It was a 25-mana cap battle with the ruleset as "Standard". I used the Mylor Crowling as my summoner, which gave all my monsters thorns ability that deals damage back to melee attackers.

In the first position, I used the Chain Golem as my tank, for obvious reasons. It's powerful melee attacks with strong defensive abilities by the virtue of its extra armour and two abilities named Shield (takes reduces melee damage) and Void (takes reduced magic attack). It performed well in the battle as you will see later in the battle video.

In the second position, came the Mycelic Morphoid. It was used just to absorb a few extra hits and I didn't expect much from this. At first, I thought about placing it at the end of my lineup but I went with the second position to better shield the next important unit in my lineup.

Next came the Queen Mycelia, one of the vital pieces of my strategy. It comes with two powerful abilities. Protect (gives all friendly monsters two extra armour) and Amplify (increases the thorns damage). The thorns damage was a crucial part of my planning as the Mylor Crowling gave each the thorns ability.

Khmer Princess came in the next position, It is a low costing (2 mana) mage and can come in handy in clutch situations. More magic damage is always good in the standard ruleset. With only 2 mana it was a no-brainer to include in my lineup.

Next was the Goblin Thief, another melee attacker which can target the back of the enemy lineup because of its sneak ability. I always loved this ability as many times the opponent doesn't expect it and hastily places the low-health cards at the back.

Uraeus also had the sneak ability and can easily take down some weaker units at the start of the match. It came with 1 armour so I placed it at the end of my lineup. They both helped in surprise my opponent and more often than not I get easier targets at the end of the enemy lineup.

Now my lineup was all set and it was time for battle.

I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

My Strategy

I had a simple strategy of using a strong and beefy tank at the front of the lineup that can take some hits easily while all my mages and monsters with sneak ability can do the bulk of the hitting. But in this case, my tank had powerful attacking strength as well. So, a win-win situation for me.

Mylor Crowling proved to be a great asset in this battle, it gave thorns ability to all the friendly monsters and that helped a lot during this battle. And this ability was buffed by Queen Mycelia's amplify ability. Everything fits perfectly in this case.

Round 1

My opponent went for an earth splinter as well but used the Immortalis as their summoner. They seem to be expecting a heavy mage attack and countering that by giving Void ability to all their units. It kind of worked for them but with only two of my mages.

It was looking bad for them even before the start of round 1. They used a heavy melee attack setup and I had the perfect counter against it.

We both had strong tanks at the front of the lineup. My sneaky monsters did a great job in this round and managed to eliminate Uraeus from their camp.

Round 2

Round 2 saw the demise of Mycelic Morphoid. I didn't expect much from it but it took down its attacker as well. This was a big bonus for me. Now it was looking much worse for them.

My opponent's cards were weak by the end of round 2 and it ended with the demise of my sporcerer. It was looking much better for my team.

My Chain Golem was still holding up pretty well at the front of the lineup. The same goes for their tank, Mycelic Infantry. But their back line was significantly weaker and it looked much worse by the end of this round.

Round 3 & 4

Round 3 was a nightmare for my opponent, it saw the demise of their Queen Mycelia which I term as the last hope for them. After that, it was just a clean-up job and we swept them easily in round 4.


Chain Golem has to be the MVP of this battle. It survived four rounds of constant barraging of attacks from the enemy camp and remained undefeated. What a feat! It shows the power of this legendary unit.

It easily justifies the 8 mana cost with its amazing stats. It can perform both attacking and defensive duties gracefully. The void ability makes it a good tank even against magic attacks. It is slightly expensive to rent this card but it is worth the price. You have my seal of trust...lol

Thanks for reading...

Splinterlands is a popular NFT-based play2earn game. If you have not joined the game yet, then you are missing a lot of fun. You can join by using my referal link.



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