Hello there, this is my entry to the "Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge!". If you want to participate or know more about the challenge, click here. You can participate even if you don't have the theme card.



The SPIRIT HOARDER is a powerful mage that costs only 3 mana and comes with an interesting ability called triage which heals the friendly back-line monster that has taken the most damage. It is a legendary Neutral unit that came out during the Chaos Legion edition.

I had a level 1 unit which deals 1 magic damage and comes with just 1-speed point and 3 health points. You can clearly see that its ability makes this unit a legendary. As the rest of the stats are pretty average but getting healing at this low cost is a great thing.

Let's use it in a battle and talk about the lineup I had for this battle.

My Lineup

This is my lineup for the battle

SummonerObsidian+1 Magic
Position 1Unicorn MustangVoid
Position 2Regal PerytonFlying
Position 3Queen MyceliaProtect
Position 4Spirit HoarderTriage
Position 5Goblin PsychicTank heal
Position 6Tortisian ChiefNo ability

This was a whopping 35-mana battle with "holy protection" and "fog of war" being the rulesets which gave all the monsters, the divine shield ability and took away all sneak, snipe and opportunity abilities. I chose the Obsidian as my summoner which gave all my monsters +1 magic damage. I wanted to go for a heavy magic attack in this battle.

In the first position, I used the Unicorn Mustang as my tank. It is one of the widely used tanks in magic splinter because of its void ability that reduces the damage taken from magic attacks. Not only that, it has great attacking strength as well. It deals with heavy melee attacks with good speed. So there is a good chance of dodging attacks from slower monsters.

In the next position, I used the Regal Peryton. I used it in this position to supplement my tank and this played the role of a secondary tank. It comes with a "flying" ability and has incredible speed so, there is a lot of chance to dodge incoming attacks.

Next came the Queen Mycelia. It was another mage that dealt 1 magic attack and costs just 4 mana but comes with an incredible ability named protect. This ability will grant every friendly monster, an extra 2 armour. This strengthens the defences and I can focus more on my attacks rather than thinking about defensive measures.

In the fourth position, I used the Spirit Hoarder. It is one of the cheapest mages costing only 3 mana. Also, its triage ability will heal the friendly back-line monster which has taken the most damage. So, it works well with a beefy unit at the back and it won't allow the last unit to die easily.

Goblin Psychic came next in my lineup. It is another powerful mage that deals with 2 magic attacks on its own and comes with a very useful healing ability called tank-heal. This will heal my tank at the start of each round. So, now I had tank heal and healing of monster from the back-line. This made my defence much stronger.

In the last position, I placed the Tortisian Chief, like most units in my lineup, it was another mage that dealt 2 magic damage and has decent health. You can see that I wanted to go for a heavy magic attack and this unit fit into my plans perfectly.

Let's talk about my strategy for this game.

My Strategy

I had a rather simple strategy of using heavy magic attacks. So, I used the Obsidian as my summoner to make mages more powerful.

I wanted to give extra protection to all my monsters and Queen Mycelia provided me with enough armour. And to make my defence more sturdy, I used healing and it made my units survive for much longer.

The magic attack being superior to all other attack types, I had a good chance to inflict heavy damage by ignoring any shield/armour.

Also, the high mana cap helped me use much better units and I could choose my lineup with the utmost freedom.

I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

It worked very well. My heavy magic attack made the battle look easy. SPIRIT HOARDER and Goblin Psychic's healing abilities came in very handy during the battle. The extra armour given by Queen Mycelia helped immensely in this battle.

Do you like the Spirit Hoarder? Why or why not?

Yes, I love the Spirit Hoarder, it significantly adds to the attacking potential of any lineup. Its triage ability is a game-changer in many situations, especially when the opponent uses units that attack the end of the lineup. All this comes with the price of just 3 mana, making it a great asset, especially in low-mid range mana battles.

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