SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge!! Flying Squid

Hello there, this is my entry to the "Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge!". If you want to participate, click here. You can participate even if you don't have the theme card.




Although Flying Squid are not truly capable of flight, their moniker comes from their ability to launch themselves from the water and glide above the surface for long distances before resubmerging. These aggressive predators shoot ink into the eyes of their prey to blind them before attacking with their lengthy tentacles.[source]

Flying Squid is a heavy-hitting unit with a lot of health.

My Lineup

This is my lineup for the battle

SummonerKeyla Frendul+1 Shield, +1 Speed
Position 1Cruel SethropodNo ability
Position 2Flying SquidReach
Position 3DeeplurkerOpportunity
Position 4Pelacor BanditSneak, Flying
Position 5Angelic MandarinNo ability

My summoner was Keyla Frendul which gave +1 shield and +1 speed to all my monsters. Mana cap was 26 for this battle and it was a standard battle with no modification to the ruleset.

In the first position, I placed Cruel Sethropod. It is one of the cheapest tanks in the game and comes with a +3 shields on its own. It stood its ground for some time and performed well in the battle.

In the second position, Flying Squid comes as a great force and could attack from the second position on account of its reach ability. It has 2 melee attacks on its own and has 8 health points. It was one of the best attacking units in my team.

Deeplurker comes in the third position in my lineup. A very powerful unit that deals 3 melee attack damage to the opponents and has an interesting opportunity ability, allowing it to strike the weakest unit from the opponent's camp. It immensely helped in eliminating the weaker monsters and is the MVP of this battle.

In the next position, Pelacor Bandit came into the attack. Although being a weak unit with only 2 health points, it compensates with its quick speed and two important abilities; flying and sneak. Sneak ability allows it to attack from the last in the opposite lineup and create a sense of surprise with its attacks.

In the last position, I placed the Angelic Mandarin. It was the only monster in my lineup with ranged attack ability. It has decent health of 5 but has no abilities at level 1.

My Strategy

My strategy was to use a cheaper card at the front in the form of Cruel Sethropod but use heavy hitters after it that can dislodge the defence of the opponent. I used heavy melee attacking monsters in the form of Flying Squid and Deep Lurker. My summoner provided an extra shield to all my monsters, which was a nice addition to my camp.

I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.


My opponent had one of the best tanks in the form of Cursed Windeku at the start that could prove annoying for my monsters to get rid of. Round 1 started with few powerful hits from both sides and soon the Undead Badger got eliminated with just one hit. My monsters survive the initial onslaught because of the additional shield I got from my summoner.


The Carron Shade also got eliminated at the start of round 2 as it only had 2 health points to start with. Soon my Anglic Mandarin got knocked out of the field as well. Just before the end of the round my biggest threat, Cursed Windeku was also taken care of.

ROUND 3 & 4

Round 3rd and 4th proved to be the decisive rounds where Silent Sha-vi also got eliminated while I still had my two strongest monsters with almost full health on the battlefield.

ROUND 5 & 6

These rounds were just a formality as the only remaining unit, the Rifting has no attacks and could only see got beaten by my monsters. It proved to be a easy win at the end.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

Yes, my strategy worked very well. I loved my strategy of using a cheaper tank to afford more firepower to deal greater damage. Everything worked well and I won the battle easily.

Do you like the Flying Squid? Why or why not?

Yes, Flying Squid is one of the favorites units in the entire game. It is a heavy hitter and comes with the reach ability allowing me to use it both as a primary tank, in the first position, or in the second position like this battle. The only drawback is its cost of 7 mana which makes it difficult to use in low mana cost battles.

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