I reached Champion League for first time


It was quite a journey to reach champ league, today I finally leveled up my "main" summoner - GF Pyre to lv 5, which opens few new options how to play and I already cubed one opponent...

New lv of Pyre however wasn't what brought me to champ league and I would like to show two overlooked but awesome cards that got me there with silver level collection with big holes:

Enchanted Defender

I don't get why this card is still under the radar even after release of equalizer rule. There is no better low mana tank for equalizer matches. Not even close at silver level. This monster eats exploding dwarves for breakfast. And equalizer isn't Enchanted Defender's only habitat. Lost or Weak magic? Feel free to use him anytime you want. Do you expect opponent to play sneak or snipe monsters? Guess which back-tank is a king here? And for little league matches this is really powerful 4 drop. Just don't allow your Enchanted Defender to be hit by magic and he will butcher many enemies, quite often with more than double of his mana cost.

Delwyn Dragonscale

This is only common summoner in game and it might give him bit of bad rep as "budget backup" summoner, while Delwyn have amazing surprise value potential. When we don't count Arius he is only non-water summoner capable of boosting magic damage. What does this mean? You will preferably play him when water splinter is not allowed, because that's where opponents drops their guards when it comes to defending versus magic. And Fire or Death splinters can put together very dangerous magic based composition when opponent doesn't expect it at all. Delwyn needs to be used sparingly and ideally against good opponents to have this effect.

Give them a try, they require somewhat skilled player, but can be really powerful when used well.


Let also celebrate my first time reaching Champion League with giveaway - random comment starting with letter C will win Zalran Efreet - legendary card from my favorite splinter. Entries ends & drawing 3 days after posting.

Btw. I am posting exclusively on Hive, with splinterlands migrating I see no reason to post also to Steem blockchain database.

Thank you for reading and good luck in the @splinterlands.


images owned by splinterlands, divider made by overkillcoin_jr

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