Bronze II -> By the Skin of My Teeth

The end of each season brings a bit of nervous excitement. Many of us are scrambling to get in last minute wins and asking ourselves,

Will I reach the next tier to maximize my EOS rewards?

Even in the lower Bronze levels, we are battling it out to climb our way onto the next tier.

Bronze II League  Reached epodcaster.jpg

(You'll notice I switched from Battle to Practice upon reaching 416 rating. I didn't want to tempt myself to play another game and wind up back in Bronze III. That would be a heartbreaking with just hours before the season ends. )

Card Delegation FTW

I managed to battle up to a 416 rating, but without enough power that higher rating wasn't going to do me a bit of good. Not unless some kind soul was willing to delegate a few cards to bring up my power rating. Luckily, I have family members who also play Splinterlands and happen to be kind souls.

Helping the Newbie Players

As a newer player, I am grateful to be able to lean on more experienced players who have had more time in the game. Getting into the game earlier meant they had more time to amass a nice collection of in-game assets. Their knowledge and generosity are an encouragement to keep grinding away at this Play2Earn game.

I Am A Sponge

In the meantime, I am a soaking up as much information as I can find inside Splintertalk posts. All while I continue to play and earn more and more each day.

Thank You

If you are reading this, I thank you for your time. If I've upvoted, commented on, or reblogged your post then please know that you have been part of my Splinterlands education. I appreciate you and hope to offer value to you and the community in return as my knowledge base grows. Wishing you and the entire SPT community a fastastic end of season filled with phenominal rewards.

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