Splinterlands - Weekly Share Your Battle Challenge - Giant Squid

Hello Friends,



I take this another opportunity to showcase why Giant Squid fits into the lineup with magic monsters like Ruler of the Seas and Sea Genie and wins battles for us.


Giant Squid is a ranged attack monster belonging to Untamed category and is a rare monster which has abilities of Blind and Weaken.



Blind ability allows this monster with an increased chance of evading the attack from melee or ranged monsters and this ability is available from level 4 onwards.



This ability lowers the health of all monsters by One thus giving more chance of winning the battle for the player.

This nice ability is available for a maxed out Giant Squid, i.e. level 8.


Having see the abilities of this monster, let's also throw some light on it's characteristics such as ranged attack, speed, armors and health


Ranged Attack:

This can have a max of 3 ranged attack and it starts with 2 ranged attack at level 1.

While it starts with 2 and continues so till level 6, level 7 and 8 can have a max of 3 ranged attack.


Speed of this monster isn't great with starting speed of 1 and can be a maximum of 3 at 6th level and onwards.


It comes with an armor and increases to from level 5 and above.


Health starts with 4 and can increase by 1 from level 2 to 8.


Battle and Lineup:



This was a a battle with 36 MANA cap with battle types involved are: Reverse Speed and Aim True.

We all know in Reverse Speed battles, each round starts with lowest MANA cost monster and ends with highest MANA cost monster and repeats the same in subsequent rounds as well.

Aim True means melee and ranged attack monsters always hit their target without a miss.

This was a battle of Water against Fire as I preferred to go with Water splinter with lineup as below:

1. Lord Arianthus:

Most of the Water splinter battles will involve this cool monster and the reason I used this is to withstand the melee or ranged or even magic attack for some time and allow my magic and ranged monsters to take down opposite player's front monster.

2. Prismatic Energy:

I always use this as second monster in high MANA cost battles to suppress the magic attack as this has that Magic Reflect ability which combined with Lord A's magic reflect reduces the magic attack monster's health atleast by 2 and most of the cases by 3.

3. Ruler of the Seas:

One of my all time favorites and gives speed as well as reduces the magic of opponent's monsters by 1 besides it's blast ability.

4. Sea Genie:

I always use this in combo with Ruler of the Seas as it gives that all important 4 magic attack and also increases the health of all my monsters used.

5. Giant Squid:

I used this not so popular monster just to avoid using only magic monsters and get hit besides this is the feature of this blog :).

6. Crustacean King:

Last but not the least, a healer and also the one which provides those all important armors.

That's my lineup for this battle and as you can see, opponent lined up Fire splinter monsters in Living Lava, Magma Troll, Dwarven Wizard, Pyromancer, FeRexia General and Hydra.

Looking at the lineup, one can say a heavy hitting lineup with melee attack monsters each having 6 attack and ranged ones at 4 each.



Let's see how the Water went all out against this formidable Fire lineup.

Round 1:

This was a shirt battle with just 3 rounds and our featured monster Giant Squid had it's part in the win for me.


Since this is the Reverse Speed battle, my Lord Arianthus had some lusty blows from Living Lava and the blasting Pyromancer but it took control of itself as the magic monsters helped to wipe out the melee monsters in this round itself, which was a big sigh of relief considering both had a melee attack of 6!!


Round 2:

With melee monsters removed soon, I smelled my chance and second round made it even more easier with afflicted Lord Arianthus holding that front position in this round as well.

Opponent lost Dwarven Wizard, Pyromancer and the sniper Ferexia General was left with 2 health.


Round 3:

It didn't take many moves in third round to remove the Ferexia General and that heavy melee attack monster of Hydra as my magic monsters were good enough to take that giant and Lord Arianthus although afflicted in round 1 itself, still survived this battle and emerged the key monster along with all those magic and ranged monster of Giant Squid.



Did my strategy work? What will I try differently next time?

It worked quite as expected with magic and even that ranged attack Giant Squid supporting each other well and other 2 helped the ease of win.

I don't see anything to be changed and if it has to be, then another magic monster, may be Medusa instead of Giant Squid.

Do I use the GIANT SQUID often? Why or why not?

I have got accustomed too this after this Weekly Challenge and use it fairly in my battles now. But still, I prefer a magic attack, may be Medusa instead of this as that gives me that additional ability to Stun the monster.


That's all from me for now, Gotta create a new one for the new challenge starting in few hours!!

Take Care and Have a Good day :)


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