Please, give me back my pet | Writings of an Unbalanced Mind LIX



Today was a completely normal day until during dinner time we started to watch the evening news and while the news was on there was a horrible moment where an eight-year-old boy was giving a speech, we all got a rush and I was on the verge of crying just imagining what he was going through.

"Please, they stole my pet, give him back to me, I love him and they have taken my soul, please give me back my friend."

The moment I heard that I started to cry, I drank some water and went to the couch near the TV to hug a cushion while petting the house pet who was lying on the side of the couch with a little concern as I started to pet him while I was crying.

"Please give me my friend back, I know I'm small, but I love him so much, I always take him for walks, I play with him a lot and sometimes I let him sleep in my room even if my parents don't want him to, please can I have him back?"

I couldn't believe that someone had done that to a little boy, I couldn't believe that he had been stolen while they were at the park and in seconds without anyone noticing he was stolen. I had heard rumors from friends telling me that pets had been getting stolen around the area, but I never believed them, at least now I do.

"Please, can I have him back?, please, my friend has been in my family since I was born, he has grown up with me, I have grown up with him, don't take him away from me, please give him back to me, my parents will pay for his rescue, please, don't make me suffer by separating me from him like this. "

I couldn't believe the amount of money they were willing to pay to get back the boy's best friend, but I don't judge them, I would burn heaven and earth to get back the pet they gave me when I was born, I know my parents would do the same. The news ends, but a few minutes later they put back a few seconds of advertising and I felt afraid again, that small part of his request will remain engraved in my mind for days.

"Please, they stole my pet, give him back to me, I love him and they have taken my soul, please give me back my human."


Por favor, devuélvanme a mi mascota | Escritos de una mente desequilibrada LIX

Hoy fue un dia completamente normal hasta que durante la hora de la cena comenzamos a ver el noticiero de la tarde y mientras pasaban las noticias llegó un momento momento horrible donde un niño de ocho años estaba dando un discurso, a todos se nos erizó el cuerpo y estuve a punto de llorar tan solo imaginando por lo que él estaba pasando.

"Por favor, se robaron a mi mascota, devuélvanmela, la amo y me han quitado el alma, por favor, delvuélvanme a mi amigo."

En el momento en el que escuché eso comencé a llorar, tomé agua y me fui al sofá cerca del televisor para abrazar a un cojín mientras acariciaba a la mascota de la casa que estaba acostada a un lado del sofá con un poco de preocupación al ver que comenzaba a acariciarla mientras yo estaba llorando.

"Por favor, devuélvanme a mi amigo, sé que estoy pequeño, pero lo quiero mucho, siempre lo saco a pasear, juego mucho con él y a veces dejo que duerma en mi cuarto aunque mis padres no quieran, por favor, ¿me lo devuelven?"

No podía creer que alguien le hubiera hecho eso a un niño pequeño, no podía creer que se lo hubieran robado mientras estaban en el parque y que en segundos sin que nadie se diera cuenta se lo robaran. Había escuchado rumores de amigos que me decían que habían estado robando mascotas por la zona, pero nunca les creí, al menos ahora lo hago.

"Por ravor, ¿Me lo devuelven?, por favor, mi amigo ha estado en mi familia desde que nací, ha crecido conmigo, he crecido junto a él, no me lo quiten, por favor, devuélvanmelo, mis padres pagarán por su rescate, por favor, no me hagan sufrir separándome de él así. "

No podía creer la cantidad de dinero que estaba dispuestos a pagar para recuperar al mejor amigo del niño, pero no los juzgo, yo quemaría cielo y tierra para recuprar a la mascota que me regalaron cuando nací, sé que mis padres harían lo mismo. La noticia termina, pero a los minutos vuelven a colocar en publicidad unos segundos y volví a sentir miedo, esa pequeña parte de su petición se quedará grabada en mi mente por días enteros.

"Por favor, se robaron a mi mascota, devuélvanmela, la amo y me han quitado el alma, por favor, delvuélvanme a mi humano."


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