Digital Painting of funny Dinosaurs

Hi everyone!

I just discovered Hive and Peakd platform, and I'm excited to discover all these new platforms, which look very promising. I haven't got it all figured out yet, as there seem to be many different platforms and communities, but it will come gradually. :D

Let me first introduce you a digital painting that I made :


I realized it for a character design challenge, which give us every month a different theme. This one was "Dino rider" ; after many researches, I found the idea of representing some dino tourists on a tricératops, like tourists on elephants.

Unfortunately this painting was made on a hard disk that crashed ; so, I have only the final result but not the complete file to show you the process.

I first search for a nice color palette, then search about references, such as how they dress elephants for tourists, and so on. I finally add some textures to my images ; it's an important thing to keep in mind when you do an illustration by computer, to remove this impression too pure of the digital painting and give charm, a bit like the textures that give traditional techniques.

So.. I hope you will enjoy it! Don't hesitate to leave a comment, I will be happy with it.

Have a nice day, see you soon! :)

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