Involvement of fellow arthropods || Wild nature

🐜 Hello Nature Lovers πŸ¦—


The changing seasons become a good point for every animal of nature, the rotting wood becomes a nest of ants to pounce on prey that passes between their areas. Today the little spider is the prey of the sugar ant, the sugar ant is a venomous animal that pounces on its prey when it is starving while in its nest.


The day is quite hot, I take shelter in a tree while passing by the side of the road, I burn a cigarette in that break, I observe small animals such as sugar ants passing on small tree branches, they are groups of Arthropod insects clustered in their nests, beautiful but a little sadness rose in my heart, they preyed on the little spiders.




This type of insect that is gray in color is a family formicidae which has similarities with almost the same species as its kind. In everyday life we ​​often find this type of ant, which is commonly called the sugar ant with the scientific name, the banded sugar ant.



The baby leaf grasshopper looks quite cute and unique, colorless, thought to have been born around a few days ago. Now, for me this is something unique, a baby leaf grasshopper, this baby is not looking for food, it is just playing around and jumping from leaf to leaf and from twig to twig, quite beautiful isn't it? Today is a very cold day, the atmosphere, after a few minutes of rain, I accidentally observed it as I passed the path around the family plant.

Β©2021 All image original photo by @tinta-tertuang

CategoryMacro Photography
Camera in useRealme 5i + Macrolens
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