Takeng a deeper look into a butterfly's life, part 1

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It's a really nice and happy atmosphere when you are in that location, where there are various wild plants that grow by themselves. In this open air, you can see various kinds of flowers that come out of the small branches, here with various types. However, amidst the green of the wild plants, there is a stunning view that also enlivens the cool atmosphere with a combination of beautiful natural colors. When viewing or experiencing this natural phenomenon, it is perfect to take out a personal smartphone and then photograph a beautiful figure perched on one of the widuri plants. Who else if not one of his close friends, namely a butterfly that had just arrived at this location.

This flying insect is a gentle and beautiful creature and every element of society is very fond of this insect. In general, the butterfly belongs to an insect species and it is often said to be the Order of lepidoptera or scale-winged insects. If we trace it, it can be concluded that butterflies have so many types. There are various sizes and colors of butterflies. So ! The color attached to his body is what attracts every looking eye and everyone who guides and seeks scientific insight into it.

I myself am also very interested when I see him doing his daily activities, especially when he flaps his wings wherever he likes, when he does that I am very happy because I see his freedom in life without anything that he is afraid of. It appeared that the wings were weak, but they were small ones that were able to be navigated in mastering and welcoming the gusts of wind in their flight technique. So this is the inspiration or motivation to live on this planet earth. This means that we live side by side, need each other, hope to live safely and comfortably in every activity to respect each other's rights in all aspects, why? Because it's their life and we also have life.

So, let them live and die on their own terms without human intervention. When we let it in its life, even though its life is very short, it means that we have helped to preserve this nature by accident. Indeed! Butterflies are short-lived creatures and that is what they are. This short time they can still make something useful for the object they visit, their presence in each flower is a step of harmony in a mutually beneficial relationship or in common language it is called mutualism. So I am very amazed by this, he is a weak creature but still can provide goodness for his environment. Their relationship can be said to be a close relationship like brothers in one family, mutual benefit, mutual care, mutual respect.

If we look at his condition, what he looks like now is a very fragile and weak creature, why not! Because the wings are very vulnerable to rough touch. When you touch the wing roughly to that later, it will turn out like a paper that is hit by water, crushed and shabby, thus people say the wings are very weak from the touch of hard objects.


Did you know that he is a creature who has a long experience and they are able to face a long journey in his life?. What is the reason?

The very simple reason they have put forward with evidence of the origin of events is that they have lived several different lives, which begin with :

  1. Beginning to be a small and weak egg. What the mother entrusts to each healthy and nutritious leaf for her child when born in a different figure.

  2. Seeing the world or hatching into larvae. This larva is the embryo of the process of becoming a butterfly. Although everyone looked at them with disgust or reluctance to turn to him. This is where the plant growers deny its presence, because in life they can eat every healthy leaf to produce what is known as the main crop. So that farmers try in various ways to refuse its presence on every leaf that is being managed.

  3. If it is a second survivor, or when it becomes a larva, it is able to withstand attacks from predators that are always targeted by larvae-eating birds, or it survives chemical sprays (which are lethal to caterpillars) from the farmer's crop efforts. So that this activity can stop his life and that's where his life process ends. So, this term can be assumed in human life, survived the mutilation of bad people, or survived the attack of biological weapons (weapons of mass destruction), then he will continue the third life in a new life, of course in a different form, namely becoming a cocoon.

  4. So, when they become a cocoon, this is where their life will peak and when they become a cocoon they are seen to be comfortable and most of them survive to become butterfly candidates. They are termed incubating in a different cave or womb, then in the near future, they will see the old world they left behind when they became larvae. After a few days or according to a predetermined time, there comes out a beautiful, graceful figure, flying around their world at every plant that has been waiting for a certain amount of time.

The life after life passed by the butterfly, which begins with eggs, larvae, pupae and eventually becomes adult butterflies, is termed in scientific understanding as a perfect metamorphosis which other animals rarely, if any, have, but do not correspond to what happens. Such as mosquitoes, frogs and others (will be mentioned in a special description later).


How is the next life

The birth of a butterfly that comes from one of the cocoons becomes a smile for every plant, because they know that later the butterfly will come and help the growth of each flower child that will grow.

Then, how was his life and what was his story when he became an adult butterfly? This, will be mentioned in the next post. Keep visiting this simple blog.

To be continue...

Description or explanation of writing and photos
Post titleTakeng a deeper look into a butterfly's life, part 1
Photo sourceOne's own
Photo taking locationLhokseumawe, Aceh
Source of writingOwn idea
Camera photoSmartphone type Vivo Y12
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