At first I was attracted by the color, then talked about all the characters

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Curculionidae or Weevils/(Kumbang Pengerek Kayu ®2021)

Dominating every area of ​​timber trees that have fruit and also every other wild plant, farmers generally say that as an enemy or referred to as a destructive pest, he is the Kumbang Pengerek Kayu Wood Borer' beetle or in English called Weevils, although he often hoists wood, he also likes to destroy leaves

Do you know the origin of the beetle's name? If it says beetle, it means it's not an insect, if you understand it, then who gave it that name? Well... Have you ever heard of one of the many experts named Aristotle? in the fourth century BC, more than 5,000 years ago the name was so familiar that it is still called today.

In accordance with the information I got from a 9th grade teacher's handbook in biology and one of the media, said that the beetle itself is one of the species that make up the Order Coleoptera, of course this term is not foreign to insect lovers. Coleoptera itself was adopted from the ancient Greek, namely,

`κολεός, koleos, and πτερόν, pteron, which together mean `sheathed wings` Wikipedia

This explanation focuses on most beetles, with the intention that they have two ideal pairs of wings. That pair of wings, located exactly above the body or often termed
elytra, which resides most of the body, or rather as the wings.

I saw this beetle, there are things that are different from every other beetle, it has several different characteristics, one of which is its face which resembles the face of one of the rodents, namely a mouse, while the name given is also almost similar to this one beetle, namely, Weevil of Pengerek or Beetle of Pengerat.

Although not as fast as other weevils, in crushing leaves with a crusher in their mouth or there are also some beetles or other types of insects crushing leaves with liquid in their mouths. This one beetle also does the same on the leaves, therefore, the fruit growing community says it is a pest.

Preferred habitat or area

In this case, I can say and based on daily observations, that beetles or the like have a good way of adaptation, meaning they are able to adapt anywhere. Beetles do not really mind to get a place to live, in controlling an area. Brands can live almost anywhere. Both in the city and in the wilderness, as long as it has a garden location that has leaves. Beetles can be found in almost any habitat, but are not known to occur in the oceans or in polar regions such as the North and Antarctica. However, I think it's a bit difficult to adapt in that area because the air temperature is very cold.

If I look at their lives, I can say they are very intelligent and have a solid calculation, especially this type. They are able to interact with the ecosystem in their chosen area, in various ways that have been done. So it's often seen that they eat plants and fungi, and more importantly, can damage other animals and food scraps, i.e. animals without backbones or tulang belakang.

Each of their orders, has simple tools in its body, this weapon has existed and resides in the body of each of them, or has been carried away since birth. They are able to make an object into food by dissolving the body of an animal that does not have a backbone into a liquid that is easily controlled when consumed.

However, if the object of its food is the soft leaves of a plant, then naturally it only uses the tool in its mouth. Gently crush each side of the leaf with a firm bite, so that gradually nothing remains. If he often encounters hard leaves or other hard objects, he will dissolve them with the destructive liquid that is always in his body.

However, I also see it, when doing the action has a certain schedule on their performance. This can be seen from daily observations, the results can be confirmed that, it turns out that they work in destroying leaves when entering the morning and evening, while at night and at noon they are rarely seen to do the action, if there is very little.

At certain times, when the sun is noon (hot sun) and at night, most of the activities are quiet from moving or can be said to be resting. This particular time is mostly done in a serious relationship with their partner.

This information, I saw for a week in one of the chili plants that are cultivated in our own yard. This observation activity is devoted to this one species, not to other species.

This type, I mark with a code (dot) on the body or wings with ink that does not disappear. You can see the color of the wings mixed with a small green stain.

While the photos are taken every day at a different time, then I collect them in this one post.

So, don't be surprised if you see her body with different colors in each picture. This happens because every day I choose one photo in this post, even though only one of them is observed.

It's very cool, if you continue to meet him every day for a week, because he also often or almost knows my figure (as the person who observes him). In the last photo, his cute face looks as if he is observing the person being observed.

Thank you to those of you who have read this article to the end, hopefully this article will be a smart motivation for you animal and insect lovers.

Photo Taking Location
Lhokseumawe, Aceh
Camera Photo
Smartphone Type Vivo Y12

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