Reduviidae - Assassins Bug Nymph (part 2)


In my previous content, I did post regarding Assassing Bug nymph. The link to the post is as follow: @nerdylens/assassins-bug-nymph

When I reach at the playground where I took the Assassins Bug Nymph pictures, I can see there are visible changes towards the Assassins Bug nymph. Most noticeable is their dominant color has changed. Previously their color is mostly bright red. Now the their body color is mostly black.

The body size has also doubled. Now they are twice the size compared when I saw them before. Their piercing-sucking mouthparts haven't developed completely, but is it noticeable when you look at it closely.

I will be coming back to the playground maybe around next week to see whether I can find the Bug Assassins nymphs that have been completely transformed into adult Bug Assassins.

Link to wikipedia regarding Assassins Bug is as follow:

Below is part of the explanation regarding Assassins Bug in wikipedia that intrigue me the most.

Large specimens should be handled with caution, if at all, because they sometimes defend themselves with a very painful stab from the proboscis.

Does this means, someone has been stabbed by Assassins Bug 😱😱


Dalam isi kandungan aku yang pernah aku buat sebelum ini, aku isi kandungan mengenai nimfa Assassins Bug. Pautan ke isi kandungan adalah seperti berikut: @nerdylens/assassins-bug-nymph

Apabila aku pergi semula ke taman permainan di mana aku mengambil gambar nimfa Assassins Bug dahulu, aku dapat melihat terdapat perubahan yang ketara terhadap nimfa Assassins Bug tersebut.

Paling ketara ialah warna dominan pada badan nimfa Assassins Bug sudah berubah. Dahulu warna dominan adalah berwarna merah terang. Manakala sekarang warna badan nimfa Assassins Bug sudah banyak berwarna hitam.

Saiz badan nimfa Assassins Bug juga semakin besar, boleh dikatakan dua kali ganda dari saiz terdahulu. Mulut nimfa yang tajan dan menusuk belum berkembang sepenuhnya, tetapi ianya dapat dilihat apabila diamati dengan teliti.

Aku akan datang semula ke taman permainan ini pada minggu hadapan untuk melihat nimfa Assassins Bug yang telah berubah sepenuhnya kepada Assassins Bug dewasa.

Pautan ke laman sesawang wikipedia yang menerangkan berkenaan Assassins Bug adalah seperti berikut:

Di bawah ini adalah sebahagian penjelasan mengenai Assassins Bug di wikipedia yang paling menarik perhatian aku.

Large specimens should be handled with caution, if at all, because they sometimes defend themselves with a very painful stab from the proboscis.

Adakah ini bermakna pernah ada seseorang ditikam oleh Assassins Bug 😱😱






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