Amazing chicharra and its sound (Cicadidae)

Hello insect world lovers.

Today I want to contribute a grain of sand to this beautiful and wonderful community of Insects of the world I hope you love this wonderful insect.

Today in the afternoon while I was walking in my house bored with nothing to do, I hear an insect that makes a squeaking sound, and I start to look for it to see where I find it and nothing to find it, it turns out that when I look at the ground I find it making that sound, that so much to hear it began to be uncomfortable in my ears and the animal is this you see in this picture.



I did some research and found out that the scientific name of this insect is:

Cicadidae or commonly known where I live as cicadas, also this insect has a life span of about 2 to 17 years. Incredible, isn't it?


I thought this insect sang but when I read it turns out that in reality these very cute insects do not sing, rather they stridulate, and to make that noise they do not use their phonatory apparatus, their chirping sound usually reaches 86 Hz.


I realized that this very pretty cicada is male and to know how to differentiate its gender is very easy because the male only makes that chirping sound to attract the females, and the females do not make any sound because their role is just to lay their eggs and die after that.



I was also able to read that of this very peculiar insect there are thousands of species of cicadas of the family Cicadidae in all the continents of the world.


This cute Chicharra apparently had already served its time of life because at 7 o'clock at night it was already stiff, that is to say that when it was making the chirping sound and was on the ground it was because it was in agony, that is my point of view. May you rest in peace dear Chicharra.




Content and photographs of my property

Photos taken with Samsung Galaxy J7
Lighting Natural Light

All images and photographs that I upload, unless I specify otherwise, are made and owned by me. @josueprime very original content.

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