The Driveway Saga Season 2; Episode: 12 - "End of the Season"

April 18, 2020

Soggy Driveway Saga Season

No I am not really going to start an offshoot of the Winter Driveway Saga Series. We are in the Melt Down phase of winters end here in Alaska. We were fortunate that the ground was still pretty frozen three days ago, so we did not end up with big tire ruts in the driveway from the oil delivery truck. One more month for things to dry out and firm up before his next visit.

I have been trying to spread my postings, (the few I do) around to the various communities, so since I have more than one photo in this post I chose to use the My Picture Day community for this post. So on with the show.

The view from where I park:

Up first we have the lets see the driveway from where I park shot:
It was kind of a nice day for a little while when I was taking the pictures yesterday afternoon, it did not last very long though. We can see weeds and grasses and the really small trees now along some areas. Unfortunately I can also see the Dip reforming, oh well, beats all the snow.

The Circular View:

Here is the panoramic shot of the drive way, three down low and three shots above, Well the down low ones are not really down low, just head on shots. I am going to leave this one a little big big, but not to big.panosmallercropshhot.jpg Our center tree grup is almost completely melted out now.

The Lets Go Out View

Here is the view of the driveway portion to the right of the trees, this is the normal leaving direction for me.
DSC_9488  Copy upload.jpgAs you can see in this image the drevway really is just a tad bit soft and soggy, we were real fortunate with the Oil Delivery Time.

The In View

Last up: looking down the in view, view.
The snows are pulling back from the edges, as you can see we still have a lot of snow around our place, but the roads are all clear, the snows are receding.

Well that I think pretty much concludes the Driveway Saga post for this winters season. All the links below are over on steem block chain. Seasons change, we either change with them or we don't.


March 8th was our last snow fall, it has only been in the last two days that our driveway has started showing up, needless to say we had a good packing on our snow, and well the temperatures were still rather cold and below freezing for most nights. The rains we had the last few days has helped the snow melt, along with the longer days even if they are mostly overcast.

I will still be doing a monthly post on my driveway, just so I have a record of the seasonal changes. I kind of enjoyed my little driveway saga post, I hope you did also.

Driveway Saga Post:

All photo's were taken by me on April 17th with my Nikon Camera.

Tiny Picture link back to my blog:

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