Half Spiral Two-colored Crochet Earrings

They say you're a crochet addict when you work on a small crochet project to take a break from a big project. I guess I m one big crochet addict.

I am currently working on a headset headband cover that has a hello kitty design on the ear muff. I have been at it for several days now but to no avail. I couldn't faahion a design or find the techniques I need to create the project.

Last night, I was at the verge of giving up on this project. So I dropped the 4.5mm hook I was holding and took out the 0.75 one to work on a crochet earring. Not to be overly dramatic, but I felt lost because I'm already getting frustrated. I needed a win.

So I made an earring. Well attempted to anyway. I looked for designs and stitches online and I stumbled upon a tutorial about the spiral stitch.

By the time I was ready to give it a go, my daughter started crying and wanted me to wrap my arms around her while she sleeps. (We cosleep.) I planned on escaping her hug once she's deeply sleeping but I fell asleep.

And it's a good thing because I got up feeling refreshed today and lo and behold! My half spiral, two-colored crochet earrings!

Of course, my sister always suggests I add pearls to my earrings, so there's pearl on the end of the earrings.

I'd share how I made this one but my daughter's starting to act up again, I'm gonna have to do that some other time. For now, have a great day/night everyone. Stay safe and don't forget to always wash your hands with soap and water.

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