Introducing our Community Builders Team!


Happy Monday everyone! It’s @crosheille here again :D

It has always been one of our main goals to make sure everyone who joins our community feels welcomed and at home.

We have been so enthused to see our membership growing and new members posting every week! In order to make sure our goals are met we, the administrators, realized it was time to expand our team.

This new addition will allow us to be able to continue focusing on administrative work and making sure the community is running smoothly.

What Do Community Builders Do?

Community Builders (CB’s) do exactly what their title build the community. They find eligible needleworkers and invite them to join our community by leaving comments on their posts. They give them a brief overview of who we are, what we do and a link to our FAQs.

Once the needleworker joins and makes their first post in the NeedleWorkMonday Community the CB team welcomes them aboard making them feel at home. They will also answer any questions and help guide new members as needed.

Who Are the Community Builders?

These ladies were hand picked by our staff based on who we felt would be a good fit. The joy of being a community for so long is that you really get to know people and see their gifts and talents.

We knew we needed people who were already very active, sociable, bright and cheery and always supportive and encouraging to take on this role.

We also wanted to have diversity in ethnic backgrounds and languages because that’s what our community is made of. We know that this is necessary for better communication throughout.


Your NeedleWorkMonday Community Builders are:


Do Community Builders Get Compensated for Their Work?

Yes, CB’s are getting compensated for their time and efforts.

Each CB has been added to the @needleworkmonday accounts’ auto upvote. They will each receive up to one max vote a day on their posts seven days a week. The content doesn’t have to be needlework related...if they post they get upvoted.

They each will also be added on as a beneficiary of every weekly showcase report.

Can other members volunteer to join the Community Builders Team?

We appreciate any interests in wanting to join the new team to help build the community. However, as of now we will be focusing on these chosen 4 helping them develop a flow and system to complete their tasks successfully.

Once we get into a workable routine and there is still a need for more help we will definitely reach out ;)


I would like to thank @shanibeer for providing this awesome idea to us of building such a team. She and the leaders of The Ink Well Community are currently working on building their team :)

We are very excited to welcome our new team onboard to help with aiding the NeedleWorkMonday Community as it continues to thrive and flourish!

Thank you to each of you ladies for accepting our invite! You have all been added as beneficiaries of this post along with @shanibeer ~ 💕

Join us on Discord by clicking the logo below!

NWM Discord LInk.jpg

NeedleWorkMonday Founder: @crosheille


Cover image created with Canva

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