Blossom from my balcony garden

I have always lived close to nature since my childhood. I was so habitual of the green landscape having big trees to small plants and bushes. And today, I live in a high rise building. It was so difficult for me initially not have plants around me. And around two years ago I decided to make a balcony garden for myself. I started gardening in small pots and now I have a total of 50 small and medium sized plants at home. Trust me it gives such an amazing energy, and I feel they are like small kids. I am still learning and trying to figure out about their needs and behaviors.
Plants have taught me to have patience and they do surprise me. Let me share a small story with you. I had a lilly plant which was not bearing flowers since quite some time. I was trying to figure out if the plant is healthy or should I give it some nutritional supplements. I took care of its water requirements, sunlight exposure and other organic supplements. But nothing happened for a long time.
And one morning, I was sitting in my balcony sipping my coffee and I saw something vibrant in the lilly pot. When I looked through the leaves there was a small red flower bud ready to shine in the sun. And I felt so happy and peaceful from within to see it grow. So undoubtedly patience is the key.
Over a period of time I have realized that plants teach us great lessons from their life which is so useful in our day to day life. A few of which I would want to share with you
*Excess of anything is harmful
*Patience is key
*Pause and look for growth
*Loss is a part of life
*At times plants outgrow itself and it’s the time when they need a bigger pot for their roots. Similarly in our lives we sometimes need to change our environment to attain growth.
Hope you connect with my thoughts. Have a good day and keep planting happiness.


Jade in the sunny window

Money plant





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