Wild Rose

Rose queen of flowers ....
In this case the Wild Rose (Rosa canina) ... the tenderness of the flower fascinates me .....




It has been known for centuries, they used petals and fruit!
Medicinal, rosehip fruit full of vitamin C .... it is made into jam and tea .....

The ancient Romans believed that pomegranate, among other things, cured the rabies of dogs, hence the Latin name of the plant - dog rose ...



There is also rose oil, which is medicinal, full of vitamins E, D, beta carotene, retinol and essential fatty acids.
And one more thing - wild rose oil is not pink (you must have thought so) but it is yellow-orange ....

Here are some surprises, it is not made from rose petals but from fruit, rose hips!

Wild rose oil is used for cosmetic purposes, for eczema, psoriasis, burns .... for the face and wrinkles, when the skin needs hydration ....



"Greek myth says that the rose was created by Aphrodite, the goddess of female beauty, love and fertility. Adonis, a beautiful young shepherd who fell in love with the goddess Aphrodite ... was, according to tradition, mortally wounded by a wild boar and she came to his aid. However, she had to crawl through the roses and then blood gushed from her wounded body and painted all the surrounding white roses red.Since then the white rose has become a symbol of innocence and the red of love and passion.The ancient Greeks offered the goddess Aphrodite a rose on the altar, while Aphrodite's priestesses wore wreaths of white roses during religious ceremonies, and the roads they passed were sprinkled with roses. "



Another legend says that Chloris, the goddess of flowers, walked through the woods and came across the body of a beautiful nymph. She was saddened by the sight of a dead beautiful creature and decided to give it new life, and turn it into a flower whose beauty will amaze everyone. is the goddess of female beauty Aphrodite to give her beauty, charm and joy, Zephyr, the god of the west wind to scatter the clouds so that Apollo, the sun god could cast warm rays on her, and Dionysus, the god of wine to give her nectar and fragrance. a new flower was created, a crown was placed on it and it was named the rose, the queen of flowers. "



The ancient Romans also had a rose cult. The Roman goddess of love Venus is associated with the rose. The rose was a symbol of love and beauty. When there were no roses in winter, the ancient Romans brought it by ship from Egypt. Their summer houses were surrounded by beautiful roses. They also built glass houses in which they grew roses in winter.

To the Romans, the rose was a special flower and they decorated all the festivities with roses, and petals and roses .... They anointed their hair with rose oil ....
"The floors of the royal palace during the ceremony were full of rose petals, on which people sat and lay. Rose water murmured from the royal fountains, and people sat in amphitheaters under awnings that were soaked in rose water. It is said that Emperor Nero paid a ton of gold for the roses delivered to him for one solemn feast from Egypt.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the rose was never so appreciated and loved. But even today, she is considered the most beautiful flower and the queen of flowers. "



It still reminds me of the fairy tale The Rose of Thorns, written by the Brothers Grimm ... The rose that surrounded the castle where the princess fell asleep .... And her chambers were decorated with wild rose flowers ...



The source of my stories..

Amazing Nature Contest - May 2021 - #05
#AmazingNature and her amazing host @adalger πŸŒΌβ˜€οΈ


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