Although the taste is very spicy but has a lot of benefits

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Small chili or cayenne pepper is one of the ingredients for kitchen spices which if it is not present then the food will not taste good

Capsicum frutescens Siling labuyo

These cayenne peppers thrive in my front yard, they were fertile for the past few years, I remember planting them since before covid19 came and destroyed all regions in this world. Do you know why this cayenne pepper plant exists and thrives in my yard?

Of course, its presence is based on its amazing history and makes people not look down on it. Before covid19 arrived in this world, or in the past few years, our region had experienced something that could make people pat their foreheads, this happened because the prices often soared for several months in that year.

That is, once in that year the price of chili rose to 120-150 thousand rupiah, while the previous general price was around 10 thousand rupiah. The price of this chili rose based on one of the events that occurred, namely the eruption of Mount Sinabung, North Sumatra.

So that the impact makes farmers and other related things unable to carry out their usual and daily activities in general.

So that makes me think harder and plan something definite in anticipation of this. Anticipation is trying to plant chili seeds in various forms, so that our family is not difficult to get them. Because the conditions at that time were already expensive and the goods were also difficult to obtain.

Anticipating this situation, planning chili cultivation activities, but personally do not have experience in this matter, or do not get knowledge about how to cultivate it, both scientifically and experience, this is because I am one of the people who was born and raised in a coastal area. However, that lack did not prevent me from giving up. Then look for experience in the form of knowledge gained in one of the media, about how to grow chili correctly, in one of the media such as YouTube there are and there are those who publish about the procedures for cultivating chili, and also look for several other media that discuss it. The point is that in a short time we managed to find out and receive insight on how to grow chili in a small yard correctly and successfully.

Based on the results from looking at the media, I managed to figure out how, so that within a certain time my chili tree has grown and developed as expected. But the first time the chili trees that have grown do not bear fruit like other experienced cultivators. Long story short, for 6 months my 10 chili trees have shown results.

So that in the time I have mentioned, every chili tree has been bearing fruit to this day. They keep growing and always make our family smile when they see it. Even though the price of chili has fallen drastically now, we as a family still consume the produce from our own plants.

Our people, especially the Aceh region, really like cayenne pepper or Capsicum frutescens, this cayenne pepper belongs to the Solanaceae family and is a long-lived plant or a plant that survives chronically. I saw our cayenne pepper plant can live 2-3 years, that's true because our family always takes good care of it and its nutritional needs are met, although sometimes we use unnatural ingredients, this is done because it is attacked by some small pest organisms, which can make the leaves and flowers change color from green to chalky white. However, it did not last long because it had been given anti-chili special fertilizer.

As previously mentioned, this plant is one of the mandatory staples when making side dishes as daily food. Because of our custom here, every time we eat dinner, lunch and morning, there is always one side dish that is necessary, namely fish and gravy.

It feels incomplete if eating rice is not accompanied by a side dish of fish with gravy, in general the people here always cook soupy dishes such as:

  1. Asam Keueung
  2. Tumis ikan
  3. and, some other soupy dishes, in which there are mandatory ingredients such as cayenne pepper

Why did our parents choose such dishes?

Because they know that, in the dish, there is an ingredient called cayenne pepper, and in itself or the content of cayenne pepper there are extraordinary benefits, such as:

  1. Emphasizes hunger, so it can also be a diet tool
  2. Suppress blood pressure, or can stabilize blood

In general, for our people, we consume it raw along with snacks that have been made into cakes, such as tofu, bakwan, and other special foods. However, if consuming it in excess can make your stomach hurt, this is due to the hot substances in it.

However, health experts have researched all the content of cayenne pepper which is very good for the human body, if you regularly consume it in the appropriate size, it can cure several diseases such as:

🥬Very good for body metabolism

One of the health experts from the province of Aceh (a lecturer at the faculty of North Sumatra) said in detail in a paper entitled Makanan alami yang bersumber dari alam, 2016 edition that the chili pepper itself contains capsaicin. If a human consumes chilies raw, of course in the appropriate size, it helps maximize calorie burning. In his terms said that "This process is called diet-induced thermogenesis" which helps maximize a person's metabolism in his daily life. So it's not surprising that most of our people use this trick, but for those of you who rarely consume it, it's best not to do it excessively because it can make your tongue hot and also make you sick to your stomach.

Even uniquely, for our people, when they have a headache or cold, they often consume it raw mixed with salt and then make it as a salad(rujak) spice. When after feeling the spicy taste, all the mucus in the nose will immediately come out and can refresh the airways that are being inhaled to become clear and free from nasal obstruction.

However, if you are a spicy lover, then the effects mentioned above have no effect on the body, because this is already used to being accepted by the body, meaning that your stomach is very capable of adapting to hot or spicy substances.

And there are still many benefits about this cayenne pepper. However, I don't write here. Maybe if there is an opportunity it will be discussed at a later date.

Photo Taking Location
Lhokseumawe, Aceh
Camera Photo
Smartphone Type Vivo Y12

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