A drowning snail rescue.

Now who in their right minds will rescue a snail?

An amazing thing happened early this morning and even a squirrel thought it was his lucky day.

Amazing what one can get up to when one loves nature. The snails go around and bite holes in the leaves of the bushes and plants in our garden, but they were here first hundreds of years ago and we have intruded on their territories.
So we live and we let live. Simple but true.

It started like this as the snail was at the bottom of the bird bath.

So lady Marian called me and she lifted the snail out of the water.

She placed the snail on an oak stump in the garden.

A happy squirrel thought that she placed a nice big nut out for him.

Nope, he didn't like the smell of this nut and he took on his nut begging posture. So he was given a nut to go and eat.

Boom! The sun dried the snail and his life was resurrected.

Just as well, as his teary wife was sitting on a lower leaf praying for him.
So, she was going to think that he came down from heaven :)

Humor is a great crutch in life and it has helped me many times to bear with dark problems. Yes we are a bit daft going about and saving little things, but such is our lives and it always pleases us whenever a rescue works out.
This happy couple will now have a wonderful Sunday and we wish them well.

And That's All Friends!

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

We hope that you have enjoyed the story and the pictures.

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