The Alpine Larch

The Alpine Larch (Larix lyallii) is a peculiar tree. You would think that being a conifer (pine tree) would automatically make it an evergreen (a tree that keeps its leaves, or needles, year round), but with the larch that is not the case. The alpine larch is unique in that it is a deciduous conifer (a pine tree that loses its leaves, or needles, each Fall).

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They usually start their colour transformation mid-September and drop their needles over the course of about a month. It makes for some really spectacular photos, especial with a dusting snow.

You can find the alpine larch in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, BC, Idaho and Montana at altitudes of 1,800 to 2,400 m (5,900 to 7,900 ft).

All images in this post were taken by and remain the Copyright of Ryan Sault unless stated otherwise. You can see more photos at:
Instagram: @roaming.rammie

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